I've made the decision (for better or worse) to merge my winter and summer painted German collections. I've been finding that I keep wanting to use models for one that I already have in the other and that was a pretty good sign that this was a bad way to go forward.
So with that in mind, I'll be going through and cleaning off the white weathering and adding on summer foliage instead like I have with these Panthers and Wirbelwinds:
Exciting? Not really. The whitewash came off really easily and a quick drybrush of some Middlestone to bulk up the slightly washed out yellow was pretty quick and easy. It also means I'll be putting ambush camo on my Jagdpanthers (which I'm excited about) and some late warI'll be trying this out as a Brigade Panzer Company from the Bulge book as a test for an event in April. The list is:
- HQ Panther
- 3 Brigade Panthers
- 3 Brigade Pathers
- 3 Brigade Panzer IV/70s
- 4 Brigade Wirbelwinds
- 4 Volkshetzers
- Brigade Assault Platoon
- SdKfz 250 Recce
Good? Almost certainly not. But there's a lot of it and most of it is sending 75mm KwK 42 (L/70) rounds downrange so I'm going to go with a 'shoot first, win quick' plan.
Of course. I've spent some time putting together my one permitted unit of Sisters of Battle:
That's a selection of the squad (ie. the ones who can stand up unassisted!) but it's a really nice kit. I think I'm glad I've only got one but there's a lot of character in the models, despite the mono-pose nature of GW multipart kits these days.
They're going to be painted as Order of the Sacred Rose with white armour and black and red highlights. It'll be a nice contrast to my Deathwatch! The Immolators that are coming down the pipe will be even more amazing in white!
This has also opened up the last bits for both getting what I think is a pretty solid Knights + Imperial Agents list on the park but getting them done will also give me the last bits that are required for running the assassin-driven Veiled Blade Elimination Force which we will be calling X-Force from here on out. I've got enough things to run it and I'm definitely keen to give it a whirl. I suspect it's terrible but that's never stopped me before!
Next Time
A once over on how my new plan for ValleyCon goes. I'm sure it'll be fine. <narrator's voice> It was, in fact, not going to be fine. </narrator's voice>
I've got some Bradleys still staring at me demanding some sort of attention to get them finished to give me the nudge to get on and start re-chocolate chipping all my TY infantry...