It is done. Pending the odd bit that I might like to add to the army in the future, I have completed the Scarif Beach Party:
They're now lined up for a solid week or two in the hot water cupboard. I'm now utterly convinced that the gel medium I've used for the bases isn't entirely cured given how thickly I'm putting it on. It seems to take about a week to set clear but if I get the models out and leave them in my slightly colder games room some of the bases frost up again so long curing ahead.
To get there, the two things that needed finishing to complete the Beach Party got done too, the last of them just in time for this blog post.
Zoom zoom, pew pew!
I didn't mind painting the actual speeder bikes but those Scout Troopers are a bit ugh. The casts are a bit worn and there isn't quite the nice definition of even the Storm Troopers from the starter box. But they are done.
Black armour = moar menacing right?
On the other hand, Inferno Squad is NICE. The multi-part plastics are lovely, if not at all poseable, but it's a sweet looking unit. I think I need to do a better job on the lenses but that'll wait till they're out of the hot water cupboard.
The Scarif Beach Party had an outing against some Rebel Scum as their first full game of Legion.
Turn one-ish
In the first couple of turns I rolled some obscene dice and gunned down both of Pel's AT-RTs by just rolling heaps and heaps of criticals and Pel couldn't save for love nor money. I wasn't being any better with my saves though - I think I lost a single trooper from any given unit at any given time. In the end, we packed the game in at the end of turn 3. Most of the Rebels were toast for the Imperial losses of Storm Troopers, Bossk and a miscellany of other troopers. Pel did finish the game in style though:
You can't quite see in the background as they'd done a runner by then, but a full squad of Storm Troopers were mostly deleted by Clan Wren and Sabine and her Dark Sabre rolled in to finish the job. Which she did. Easily. Pel finished painting them this week and they look AMAZING. He is planning on painting Sabine's hair a-la Star Wars: Rebels and that will look brilliant.
It was my first full game of Legion and Pel was excellent at answering all my stupid questions about how stuff is supposed to work, as well as dealing with my disgusting dice rolling in very good humour. I paid for this in two followup games of Flames with Scotty who beat me senseless by both playing better AND rolling better dice.
It was an interesting post-game chat too about seeing how the lists came together for the both of us. Mine felt like so many non-choices - they were so straight forward for me that even with no idea what I was really doing, the list came together without really trying. I had to tinker with the bits around the edges, but the Shores and Deaths were just sitters, along with lots of the upgrades.
I still can't get over Storm Troopers having Precise 1. Although only Imperial Storm Troopers are so precise.....
Next Time
I've decided to at least get the painting done for Panzerschreck and if the foliage doesn't arrive in time (although surely it must!) I have some backup foliage that I can apply to the Elefants which will look different and will annoy me but I'll live. So that will be the focus for the next couple of weeks. It's a lot of painting dunkelgelb so might be a touch dull but at least you won't have to hear me swearing about assembling Battlefront's SdKfz 7/2 kit.