...repeats the losses of two weeks ago...
So it wasn't an especially successful day of Legion as I lost three from three although one was super close (Han Solo fleeing from Iden Versio and running CLOSER to the objective...) but the other two games I kind of got my butt handed to me.
It's just game one of three for the battle report though - once again, distracted by gaming instead of taking photos....
The mission was Breach - so get to the opponent's board edge - against a Rebel force commanded by Han Solo and including 2 units of Wookiees!!
Turn one was pretty quiet as my opponent was very cagey about getting shot to bits by my entrenched Shores and ISF, especially with the ISF in this commanding overwatch position:
That pile of boxes served them very well later in the game.
I threw my Speeder bikes out to bait a reaction from my opponent (during which time I also learned the speeder rules have changed for the better and I'm most pleased with the outcome) and they tried pew pewing the Rebel Speeder.
In response, it came out, dropped off Han and between them, dished out an absolute torrent of fire on the Speeder Bikes. That Rebel speeder is armed to the teeth with a blaster, a cannon and a missile launcher. My poor old bikes didn't stand a chance!
The bikes went down in a hail of fire (also Han and his blasted Pierce 2) and off camera, some Fleet Troopers evaporated under a hail of fire from the ISF.
By Turn 3 on my right flank, these Wookies had overrun my Shore Troopers who lasted long enough to make sure those Wookies didn't do anything else. Having said that, my Shores on this flank did literal, actual nothing other than do a couple of wounds to a Wookiee.
In the centre of the table, the Rebel speeder tried a hit and run on Iden before she was charged by a group of walking carpets.
Hilariously, Iden's armour held up under the Wookie's giant fists and by Turn 5, she had dispatched the whole unit by herself. Not a bad effort I thought. With ID-10 and her Quick Thinking ability, she's surprisingly effective in melee with 2 Red and 3 White attack dice.
There's a bit of a gap in the photos here (although I'd been basically tabled and my opponent only had one unit of Rebel troopers left other than his Wookiees!), but below you see the end state of the game. The Speeder did ANOTHER hit and run on my Shores (Rebel drivers what?!) and was, in the end, destroyed by a cheeky Droid Popper off the roof from the ISF sergeant. Turns out one dude, with an aim token, Marksman and a droid popper can pretty reliably get crits on a vehicle!
Overall, I learned that Iden is pretty cool - I think she's staggeringly effective at a lot of things and that little droid is super neat. Having the suppressive zap gun is really useful. I learned a lot about what her orders are supposed to do and I can definitely see why the interwebs thinks that Iden333 is the list to play. I, however, refuse because that is not entertaining. I am however keen to try out some 800 point lists, probably bulked out with some Storm Troopers for a few more activations.
And done...
One Warmaster Iconoclast with Plasma Blastguns as they look the coolest. The splash of blue against the red and metal looks great. They're probably not the in-game choice which might be Inferno Guns...
I went maybe heavier with my icons than I did on most of my other titans but I'm still pretty light on markings. If the Vulpa transfer sheet gets reprinted, I think I might go through and change that but I've always been pretty reluctant to go nuts with a limited resource.
And a closeup of the Krius Grav Imploder. Look at all that trim!! I had this lovely moment during the week where I thought it was done and then I discovered the little armour panels on the backs of the claws. Oh boy did I groan. But it's a cool weapon and it looks great so not complaining now it's done!
Next Time
The last of the platoon a month stuff for February and the start of March's effort on that score as well as a couple of other fun projects that have appeared on the table for fun.