More KoW
I had a full scale 2300 point game of KoW with Blogger Tank yesterday at the club and it has become abundantly clear to me that as my clubmates have adapted to fighting the glass cannon that is my Ghosties, I have not adapted quickly enough.
I'm not going to get into a full blow by blow but suffice to say Tank offered me some turn two charges (sensibly on his part as the alternative simply wasn't going to happen) and I flubbed almost all of it. My well placed double-charge in the centre failed to break
the Royal Guards and the countercharge hit me much harder than I
My left stuck in some tough combats (I could really have used my
Horror buff solo there instead of in the centre where it was) and centre held for a couple of turns thanks to Tank double-1-ing a couple of key Nerve tests. All the while I was attacking Tank's left flank:
This was meant to be how I won this game but with a little good luck and a lot of good measurement, Tank had placed his units such that I didn't have quite as many good landing spots for my flyers as I wanted. It ended well for me:

But the total collapse of my centre and left (since I didn't find a way to end either of those combats in my favour!) lead us to call the game on Turn 5 with Tank still rocking his character Warwagon and giant armoured Dorf where I had effectively run out of models to steal the objective markers with!
It was a great game and as Tank's Dwarf-skill has comfortably overtaken my own, I'm off back to the drawing board to adapt to the lessons I've learned. I've got a couple more tricks up my sleeve yet!
I have done the Landsknecht Kiel (yeesh) and I kind of like how it's come out as a dense pike block. It weirdly feels more dense than the Tercios (which it definitely is) but this does have the advantage of not being able to mistake one for the other!
I'm not super happy with the whole army, to be honest, but I have also reached a point of realising that fixing it would require repainting huge swathes of stuff and so I've decided that rather than do that, I'll focus on getting it finished consistently (even if I'm not super happy) and stick more flags on it to make the whole thing pop. With that in mind, more flags:

Yeah, I added a couple more to the knights and did the first Tercio:
So just two Tercio's to go now.
What about the Tyranids?
Many moons ago, while I was living overseas, my wife bought me a couple of models as a painting project since I wasn't gaming a lot. I've been carrying these around for...too many years and decided to paint them:

Doing an original 2e Tyranid Gargoyle just as a palette cleanser was a lot of fun. I've done about half of another one who will also find a home inside a potplant somewhere in our house.
Next Time
I'm getting to work on finishing the last two Tercios for my Renaissance Spanish as the Mycenaeans have arrived and that, well, that I'm really enthusiastic about.