Tuesday, 31 December 2024

New year, new toys

 Happy new year folks! 

So this was a little present I decided I deserved earlier this year and it's been sitting under my desk for well over three months waiting for me to clear the deck of projects that needed doing so I could do this big boi. 

I started just before Christmas with the assembly and playing about trying to replicate this sweet pose I found on the interwebs. I only had to chop a few tabs off the right leg to get the wider stride and otherwise, the model is stock. It wasn't a quick build by any stretch and I will curse the ammo belt for the Castigator cannon till the end of time as a clever bit of model design and a miserable bit of a assembly.

I need to find a better way to take more front on photos of models this big! I need a better white backdrop for them but this is the best we can do for the moment. 

Here's the whole collection:


 This is about 1650 points of Imperial Knights which is, to my mind, enough. I've got a nice little 2K list with a Deathwatch Veteran Kill Team, a Corvus Blackstar and an Assassin that rounds this out. Should be fun to have a run with.  

Next Time

I'll be getting into painting some 15mm Team Yankee in preparation for this year's Panzerschreck doubles event in Palmerston North. Got some Brads and some M109s to paint! I've also been getting some prep work done to sort out my Fortis Kill Teams for 10e so will be hopefully getting the DW back on the park soon (once some more bits arrive from Germany....) I'm aiming to get back to the regular weekly posting next week too after the fairly grindy end of 2024.  

Saturday, 14 December 2024

Been a while

 Been a busy December so far with not a lot of time or energy for painting but I have finally got there! 

My second unit of Imperial Navy Breachers is done: 

This means that in a couple of weeks, I'll be playing some boarding action with blogger Scotty and running an Imperial Agents patrol of: 

  • Inquisitor Kyria Draxus 
  • Rogue Trader Entourage with Voidsmen
  • Imperial Navy Breachers
  • Imperial Navy Breachers
  • Inquisitorial Acolytes

for a pleasing 480 points. Is it good? Oh, hell no. Will it be awesome? Yes. 

It also means I have cleared the way for some summer projects. One will be resurrecting my Deathwatch with the new Index and the other....wait and see!

Remember December

Wanze approach the objective

A solid 2-1 record for the day (and third equal) with a solid lack of photos. The last game was a bit lunatic but I won a game of Valley of Death with three Kleinpanzer Wanze taking an objective and surviving a couple of rounds of shooting from Hans Rudel and a Last Man test to win the game. 

The rules for the event were:

  • 70 points Late War
  • No Top Armour 2
  • Only one unarmoured unit

And it brought out a bunch of medium tank lists - Cromwells, Comets, Jagdpanzers, Panzer IVs, Turans, Shermans, Chaffees, T34.85s - pretty much everything. It was brilliant.  Glorious victory on the day went to clubmate Richard running Hero Sherman 76s. It was a cool list and he played it well (I know, he beat me 8-1!) 

Next Time

Starting on my summer projects. Expect some workbenches...