But I didn't. I have finished some more spearmen though:
These are the first three bases of Heavy Spear for the Mycenaeans. I mixed through three different angles of spear to keep the silhouette (for want of a better word) interesting and on the right-hand base is a leftover chariot crewman who's still in full Dendritic panoply so just dropped in to change the look. In the middle is the first Heavy Spear general - behind that big bronze shield is Ajax!
The last three bases of spear are primed and laid out for painting with a few block colours done so other than the awful experience that will be basing these units, I'm really close to finishing. Quite excited. Also, the last piece for the Mycenaean camp arrived yesterday so that'll be coming together in the next wee while too.
I played my first "proper" game of 40K yesterday with blogger Scotty. 1000 points on an absurdly small board and, had I realised this is what we'd be doing, would probably not have gotten the Knights out. But I did...
As it was, it was a glorious victory to the knight lance, I learned some useful lessons about turn timings and a very handy side conversation with a spectator about critical hits. Highlights for the game were here:

where two Armiger Warglaives went into battle against some Pink Horrors, did almost no damage thanks to Scotty's absurd ability to roll 4+ invulnerable saves and then in his turn they Fell Back and the Soul Grinder rolled in and did 24 points of damage with it's giant claw, deleting the right hand Armiger without even spending it's remaining attacks. In response? I sent in the big boi:
The Armiger Fell Back and the Errant, having come fresh from dispatching the Tzeentchian Daemon Prince with his Thunderstrike Gauntlet fired the Thermal Cannon into the Soul Grinder. I did 22 damage and the Soul Grinder went away. The end of the game was me trying to kill the Changeling with a Callidus Assassin and singularly failing to do so.
It was good to get a run through on the mechanics writ-larger than Combat Patrol but I think I'd like to play 1000 points on a full size table maybe? This felt a bit close quarters to me...
I also played a game of Star Wars Legion with Blogger Pel and his "Late Rebellion" force with Ahsoka Tano and all the Clan Wren! I ran a fairly conventional Imperial force although I tried double mortar and found that it's still not to my liking.
The highlight of the game for me was Boba Fett jetpacking out from behind that barricade, wrist-rocketing and carbine-ing the Rebel Officer to claim his bounty and then wrapping up Sabine Wren in anti-Jedi whipcord. I made the glib remark that this was him proving who was the better Mandalorian:
Immediately following that, Tristan and Ursa Wren promptly blasted him into next week. Better Mandalorian my butt.
In the end, it was a close game, a 3 -1 win to the Empire (thanks to that cheeky extra bounty VP) and a round of combat where Ahsoka Tano rolled six hits (out of 10 attack dice?!) against a unit of Shore Troopers and I saved all six, losing two models to Pierce hits. Had she just demolished that unit as anticipated and takenfewer turns to hack down Iden Versio, she could have caused me no end of problems...
Next Time
The end of the Greeks is in sight and I think I'll pick up some other painting projects too. Gotta do some repair work on my Italians for our upcoming comp and I have some things that really just warrant getting painted.