Saturday 20 July 2024

Allez les Français en Egypte

 I've finished the first models for the French in Egypt for Silver Bayonet in preparation for a game with Blogger Tank:


Jean-François Champollion,
Conservateur des Antiquités Égyptiennes du Musée du Louvre
and his fearless unit of Méharistes

They're a great set of models and they have come up beautifully. I've made a lot of use of Citadel Contrast White to deal with all the coats and cloaks and honestly, I'm pretty pleased with how it's worked.

I've still got the camel-mounted soldier to finish but figured I'd get the ground troops down first! I'll be working on him during the week and maybe the other couple of models for the unit that I think I'll potter through, including another camel - if I can work out how to make a Heavy Cavalryman. 

Panzerschreck XXIII

Bloggers Tank and I had a great run at the event coming a creditable fifth with a 2-1-2 WDL ratio. Not bad for us at all and the Italians performed exceedingly well. I ran the list back down to two separate 100 point builds, one for Manoeuvre missions and one for Defending!! 

The spectacular air support, while entertaining, arrived precisely once in five games, in the last turn of the last game and destroyed precisely one stand of Fallschirmjager. But it got some good laughs and that's all I really wanted.  

Here's a quick album of all the armies I got pics of in the Beauty Pageant

Tank's and my Italians


Brian and Tom's KV-5 toting Russians

Blogger Scotty's ARPs added to...

...Blogger McBs US Armour

Russell's Americans who comboed with....

...Graeme's even more Americans!

McB Jr Sr and McB Jr Jr's FJ / StuG / Dicker Max Germans

Cameron and Andrew's American Combo

Phil and Ian's Elite of the Elite FJ + Panzers

Jamie and Brad's Best Army Italian / German Alliance

Next Time

Tank and I will be playing on his new shiny Egyptian terrain for SB. It's gonna be awesome. 

1 comment:

  1. I do love the look of the Silver Bayonet models, well done Sir.
