We haven't really been quiet, only in summoning some enthusiasm to post what we have been doing recently. We had another club day last Saturday with Prinny and I playing some Blackpowder for our AWI game. I took pics but you know photos and me....
Anyway, I thought I'd I start posting about the other (one of the other) projects that I have been working on. So here are the first pics of my almost completed Pre-Feudal Scots for Impetus.
The list is one that I wrote to both fill the gap between the Picts and the Feudal Scots lists and for me to have a list that reasonably historically represents my great, great (times, like, 300) Grandfather, MacBeathad mac Finlay, last Celtic King of Scotland.
Here are the two units of CL (3/1/B Javelin). They are the light scouts.
A little bit of tartan :) |
The CM 5/2/C Border Horse and the General element for my horse command. The Border horse are mounted Thegns (better off, or more wealthy nobles and their household troops)
And a close up of the shields. All hand painted. |
Heavy Norman horse (CP 6/4/C Impetuous). Apparently after a pilgrimage to Rome, MacBeth meet and befriended several Norman knights in the city. When the Normans were expelled from England in the late 1040's, Scotland offered a safe haven in return for having around 300 Normans ready to fight.
Again, hand painted shields. I'm really happy with how the designs came out. |
Vikings! The second command in the list is two large units of Huscarls (FP 5/2/C). They have a unit of Short Bow skirmishers with them to round out the unit. In Nigel Trantors book, MacBeth the King, they are lead by MacBeth's half brother, Thorfinn, Earl of Caithness and Sutherland.
You. If you think you are sufficient tensile quality come hither and have your turn at attempting to stop us. |
What 'E said! |
Skirmishers! |
Below are the main troops of the CinC command, FP 4/1/C Long Spear. Three large units of these are the grunts of the army. They are waiting on one more base to be finished.
There are several Celtic priests through the units. |
Several of the shields designs have been done with the Little Big Men shields. |
I'll fight! Till from my bones, my flesh be hacked! |
The Leaders! On the left is the CinC himself, MacBeth, King of Scots with his bannerman, Lulach (his step son). On the right is Thorfinn with his bannerman.
For my baggage I could not help but have a nod to that half arsed scribbler, Shakespeare. Below is a sneak peak of what is going to be on my baggage base :)
Hubble bubble toil and trouble! |
Something wicked this way comes! |