Monday, 14 September 2015

Trying to get back to 'normal'

So we are all still quite shell shocked here. Nick was one of our closest friends and at times like these we need to pull together and make sure everyone affected by his death is looked after. What better way to do this that head on over to the club for a regular meeting. We played some games, talked some crap and generally enjoyed each other's company. Regimenteers from the wider group were in attendance as Bob, Damo and Shep all popped in to say 'hi' and check on the guys.

Scotty and Tank Engine play Warmahordes

Pelarel and McZermof also play Warmahordes while McBeth Junior no.2 watches

Pelarel, McZermof, Scotty and Tank Engine all played some practice games for Lords of Ruin which is being held at the Dowse Art Gallery in Lower Hutt next weekend. Good luck to those guys.

Prinny and I played some Impetvs. My Pre Feudal Scots narrowly lost to Prinny's Feudal English Sassanach bastards.
Obviously there will need to be a lot of painting and basing to finish these two armies.
Pelarel then played some Impetvs against Tibby. Tibby was showing Pelarel how to play Impetvs seeing he was finally going to be starting on his Feudal Welsh. Scotty also watched on as he is preparing to start putting together his late Ottoman army. We are Impetvs'ing along nicely.

A nice note to that our mate Craig Courtis (from was also up in Wellington for Nick's funeral. He and Poochie came along with Poochie's 'puppy' (actually a real baby boy) for a natter and a catch up. Craig looks as though he too has been bitten by the Impetvs bug again...

Last weekend was sad for us and hopefully we can get back into the swing of things again soon. I'm sure it'll take a while but we will get there in due course.

Also, Tank Engine celebrated a birthday last week! A Thomas the Tank cake was made by the Lady McBeth - it was delicious!

Based off the later mark M4A3 of course!


  1. Best Cake Ever - Thank you Lady McBeth

  2. Just got back from a 3 week holiday in the States/Canada, so was shocked to hear the sudden tragedy and loss of fellow local wargamer and Regiment player. Nick was always a great guy to play against, whether it was local playtesting or competition games around the country. He was always fair and sporting player, which for me is what its all about in wargaming I still remember the last panzershreck game we had with his Romanians and Tims Hungarians force against our RT trained horde with captured Train (broken some will say!) being a great memorable game.
    My thoughts are with his family, friends and all Regiment locals here

