Saturday 25 May 2024

Back baybee!!

 So it's been a couple of weeks. Work travel and the inevitable cold that being stuck in an aluminium tube for several hours gets you hasn't left me in much of a mood or with time for hobby things but the show must go on...

Panzerschreck XXIII

It's coming up to that time of year again and Blogger Tank and I will be running out Italians for our doubles army this year. Taking some lessons from Paddy's army at ValleyCon this year, I'm running a decent number of Semovente 75/34s which might just be the sauce. Might being the operative word. I've also made some progress on the air support for this arm - I give you the UFIs - Unidentified Flying Italians: 

This was just too silly not to do. I've still got a bunch of detail work to, at least one more layer of white in particular and I have to find some Regio Aeronautica decals someplace but so far, I'm enjoying how they're coming out. I'm hoping I can rustle up two more for my Germans - they might get a more sensible paint scheme. Maybe.

Mycenaean debut!

I ran out the Mycenaeans against Blogger McBeth's Sicilian Normans and was victorious. Overall, I tried refusing a flank and then unpacking my heavy spear where I wanted it - including several charges into Medium Knight which I thought I should have had a reasonable punt at. Turns out that Furious Charge can get pretty gnarly if you lose acombats on even factors... 

Unpacking. Note boat.

This charge should have gone better than it did...

Some portion of the victory had to do with McBeth's poor combat dice (six of his first 10 combat rolls were 1s) but we also learned that it turns out Light Chariot Impact Elite can go toe-to-toe with Medium Knight and actually come out okay. Throwing them into his Medium Knight after they'd eviscerated my Heavy Spear turned out to be pretty good.

 The MVPs were arguably the Light Chariot Javelin (although I will point again to McB's dice) but they worked surprisingly better than I expected. A general +1 against mounted and Light & Light Medium Infantry generally makes them quite serviceable with the 4UD move as well.

Next Time

More Italians I suspect and I'll probably get to work on some 40K stuff on the deck as I'm keen to play some scaled up but still "for grins" 40K

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