Sunday 2 June 2024

Long Weekend Workbench

 Thought I'd post a day late this week and take advantage of the long King's Birthday weekend. I've got a couple of longer-term plans that I want to do and to get those done, I need to clear the decks so I've decided to focus on a few projects (all of them nice and discrete) to make space for the two big projects.

I started the weekend with my Kasrkin Kill Team that were only primed:

They're a great kit with some really cool options. I'm especially fond of the melta-mine dude and the sniper. I'm keen to get these guys out for both Kill Team and 40K!

I've also prepped the last two models I need to paint for Panzerschreck:

and those will get easily knocked off during the week. Then I'll get the whole army out and do a bit of a tidy up I think. Some of the models are getting on in years and could probably use a tidy up!

Secondly, I built and based an Adeptus Arbites Kill Team and Exaction Squad that I'm definitely using in 40K at the first opportunity: 

The Arbites box is close to being excellent aside from one particular model where you have the choice to build one or the other. I decided the Medic was the kit that wouldn't be easily fudged and instead did some gentle kitbashing and made up a Leashmaster (you can see him with the leash in one hand and shotgun on the shoulder). I did appreciate the fact the kit came with enough holstered shotguns for all the models that aren't carrying one but, for 40K purposes, would otherwise have one.

Finally, the UFIs are almost done: 

 I'm pretty happy with the cleanliness of the white - it's still scruffy enough to fit in with the wider army and, to top it all off, I've found an outfit in the UK that makes 1:100 & 1:144 decals for Italian aircraft so those are in the post to finish these up. I think I need to put a few highlights onto the gun barrels and then they'll be ready!

 Next Time

I'm taking the Mycenaeans out again and I'm thinking I'll give the Trojan War variant a punt. I'll take a bunch of photos and try and write a detailed game report! 

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