Saturday 15 June 2024

Bork bork, I'm a doge...

 I've started on the Arbites with the easiest model to begin with, the doge:

He was an easy one to do  while I got the base coats onto all the other models. They've had their black, gold, skin and leather all done and are waiting on the basecoat of red and bunch of washes before I get stuck into the details. Looking forward to painting them, they're such fun models.

Silly Tanks

I finished up the Sheridans as well, using the last of my Vallejo 71.141 IDF Sand Grey.  

I had forgotten what a PITA working with the Vallejo airbrush paints were without an airbrush! As much as I know I've done this eleventy-million times before as painting the whole army but jeez. It looks good but it sucks so much. On the plus side, they're ready for a game of Seven Days to the River Rhine with Blogger Pel in a few weeks!

Panzerschreck XXIII

Having finished up the last two Semovente 75/34s, here's the whole force: 

 I'm just waiting on the decals to arrive from the UK for the UFOs and she'll be all done. Is it a good list? No idea. It's got all the core bits that the Italians do well, and some air support, so we'll see how she goes. It's Tank and me, so it's going to be some degree of debacle...

Next Time

Like many gamers, we're doing a D-Day thing at the club so there'll be a report from that. I'll be breaking out my classic FallschirmStuGs, a list which is generally terrible but I've added in some stupid command cards to give it a laugh too.

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