Saturday 29 June 2024

Pooch's June- Finishing the DAK

Now back to your regularly scheduled on time updates!

1. Paint something bought before 2024

I mentioned last month that my goal was to finish up the last of my DAK, which at the start of last month looked something like this:

The "to do pile".....

I made some great progress last month, but how close did I get to finishing up the rest of them?

Well, I finished these.....

Three PaK 38 AT guns

Three PaK 36(r) AT Guns

Three more PaK 36(r) AT Guns

And an Early War Panzergrenadier platoon, including 5cm Light Mortar and AT Rifle

So in terms of the "how did I get on"..... well.... They are all done.


Done and dusted.

Now I'm looking at my Late War US Army, and wondering if I don't need to do exactly the same process to help get them done too!

2. Paint something bought in 2024

You knew this was going to be more bugs didn't you?

A Winged Hive Tyrant

The wings are really big!

An Exocrine. that's a really big gun!

Not built for close combat at all.....

Neurolictor. Because nothing is quite as creepy as getting brain cuddles from a bug monster....

"My what a big brain you have...."

3. Play a game of 40k each month

The Tyranids had a match up with some Blood Angels, and with some good dice to start the game (Zoanthropes tagging a Ballistus Dreadnought), the bugs were able to chomp their way through the crunchy red M&Ms!

Deathleaper introducing himself to some Incursors!

4. Play a game of not-40k each month

Mini Pooch and I used his new 40k miniatures, and played a Sci-Fi version of Silver Bayonet. We whipped up some house rules for things like Drones, Rail Rifles and other fun Sci-Fi elements so that he could play his T'au against a bunch of Tyranid Bugs. Otherwise the game play worked as per the main rules, mechanically I kept as much the same as I could!

Most of the rules were being adapted and worked on the fly, which meant I wasn't thinking about photos, so instead you can have a posed shot from after the game, once I remembered I needed to take at least one photo....

Rail Rifles definitely accounted for a good number of bugs!

And that's it! Next month is going to be a bit of a messy one for me with a whole lot of travelling, so might be hard pressed to get everything done.... we will see!


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