Sunday 5 April 2020

Pooch's March 2020 update



Just, wow.

Super busy on the work front, then add into that a global pandemic and lockdown, which makes the work front MORE busy! But, painting is one of my relaxation tools, so I did manage to still get some things done.

1. Paint a Kings of War Army- In progress!
I hadn't made much progress here, but then had a sudden burst of "maybe I should actually get some of this done" which got me to finish up a few different things.....

Mawpup launcher. Or, a kiddie catcher style cart filled with Squigs.

Goblin Shaman, and Goblin Assassin

And a goblin. Riding on a sentient mushroom, being attached by tiny mushrooms, and defending a large mushroom from a different flying mushroom. Doesn't get much more goblin than that!

2. Create a table of terrain to support a game

No progress.

3. Complete the 6mm Apocalypse Challenge- In progress!
So I am really getting into the habit of finishing these as soon as the month begins- this month's went from undercoated to painted on the 1st of March!

This month is a more eclectic mix of things, Basilisks, Hellhounds, a Primaris Psyker and a Stormtrooper squad in a Valkyrie! The Valkyrie and Stormtroopers are 3d prints from Thingiverse, and the remainder are from the original Epic game.

50 PL of awesome! Well, except for the Psyker who is hiding somewhere....

Three old school Basilisks

One very cool 3d printed Valkyrie

Two super old school Hellhounds.

Next up? Tanks!

4. Run a narrative campaign for the group

Nothing further here....

5. Add a new detachment to one of my 40k armies

Nothing further here....

6. Buy a starter box and paint all of it

Nothing further here....

7. Paint a Space Marine Heroes Series

I bought some! But haven't started painting them....

8. Update a 15mm Napoleonic army for Blackpowder

Nothing further here....

9. Paint a stand alone force- DONE

10. Update and improve a table of terrain

Nothing further here....

11. Paint a Flames of War Army (NEW)

Month two of the swapped out goal, and this is the place I actually managed to make the most progress.

I have managed to finish up a bunch of infantry, a mortar platoon and a recce jeep patrol, bringing the total amount completed to 44 points!

My US Para army so far.....

Recon Jeeps! Air recognition panel made from Greenstuff, just to show who the command jeep is

Mortar Platoon, because never leave home without 81mm goodness

12. Finish what I should have finished last year- DONE

And that's it!

Remember to wash your hands, Morty is watching.....

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