Monday 12 July 2021

Pooch's June update

Well, we are now officially over halfway through 2021. That simple fact is ridiculous!

I wasn't too bad with painting this month, managed to get a steady stream of things progressed. So what did I finish then?

1. Finish a table of terrain

In the last club day of June, we agreed that at the first club day in July, we would play some Frostgrave 2, which meant that I had a strong motivation to get more of my Frostgrave table done!

I managed to finish up another of the TT Combat packs, this time it's the Derelict Enclave:

Better picture once I finish more next month!

2. Play a game a month

I played a couple of games this month, including a Necromunda game vs McZ, where the Escher did horrible things to Cawdor....

3. Finish a 1,500 point 40k army

Well, after a very bitsy month last month, this month I did actually get a fair whack of things progressed...

Big ol' box of airbrushing done!

Shrine for the back of the Immolator!

And managed to complete a unit, my Canoness!

Inferno Pistol and Brazier of Holy Fire. Because burninate.

4. Finish armies that I have part started

Nothing new here- after finishing all of that US I haven't made a start on anything new for this goal. I've got a few different things there ready to get working on, but not sure I will get to them next month either!

5. Buy, build and play a new game

My droids are done! Two more squads of B1s, B1 commanders and the Tank completed, which means the whole army is completed now!

The tank is absolutely gigantic, and a really nice model to build and paint too. Apparently according to the internet they are more or less essential for Droid forces. Or more accurately two is apparently a meta list. I've got one, and no desire for a second!


Pilot option 1: B1 Battle Droid

Pilot option 2: Tactical Droid (3d print from Shapeways)

One of the squads of B1s got painted as Security Droids. Because I could.... This one also has a radiation gun!

And this is everything I have painted in addition to the tank!

Couldn't resist a quick snap of the three Sith.....

And that's it, roll on July!

Progress is good, but you'd better get finishing those Sororitas!


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