Saturday 3 July 2021

Holiday Productivity Fail

 Panzerschreck Prep

Going on holiday does rather dent one's productivity and with Panzerschreck a few weeks away, I figure I should get the army finished.

The foliage appears to be lost in transit somewhere between here and Wisconsin so the team in the US are sending me a replacement order. Fingers crossed it might get here in time - I can imagine spending the night before the comp in front of the TV gluing my fingers to things! 

I haven't got too much more to do but enough that'll keep me busy this week getting everything finished - highlights on the Elefants, cleaning and transferring some old Quad AA guns and then (UGH) painting the last lot of Quads.


The nerds have got into Warlord's Victory at Sea and I could hardly not play the Italian fleet in this one. The game looks like a lot of fun and seems to want to deliver appropriate outcomes. Some of the pointing seems weird but hey, the boats look amazing. I've promised myself not to get overwhelmed so started with a couple of test pieces: 

The Marcello-class submarines are cute but the goal of that box was MAS Boats and MS Boats. Italian Torpedo Boats are where things are at in this fleet so I'm going to make serious use of them!

Secondly, a battleship - the Vittorio Veneto - and she's a beauty.

I need to go back and redo the dazzle lines as they're really hard to see against the hull and possibly brighten up the highlights on the AA guns but otherwise I'm mostly happy. That bow section hurt me a lot and it's mostly pretty good. The parallelness of some of those lines is a bit iffy but it gives the right impression! 

Next Time

The whole Panzerschreck army! We've also been talking about some Frostgrave 2 for a casual club day so we'll see how that goes. Maybe a batrep for once? Maybe!?!

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