Thursday 2 February 2023

Pooch's January 2023 update

Well, here we are, the first progress post of 2023!

The perks of starting with a bit of leave means that I have made some great progress on all five of my objectives. Will this level of progress be maintained? Absolutely not!

1. Paint a platoon for Flames of War

Starting the year off with a quintessential German unit, an armoured panzergrenadier platoon for my Afrika Korps force.

The models completed this month are an add on to those previously finished- so I actually painted up three new bases of infantry, as well as the awesome plastic 251 halftracks from Battlefront Miniatures.

Not much to say about them except that I continue to be really happy with how the DAK are coming together, and I love how massive this army is becoming!

The full platoon is quite large!

Worn and weathered halftracks, I especially like the crew figures to finish them off

Next up for this category? Might be onto the US to create my army for Valleycon.....

2. Add something to armies I have already painted

First up in this category is no less than two Warhammer Underworlds Warbands, both of Stormcast Eternals. I took them each out for a game and they were..... not great. 

At least they looked cool with their Canny Miniatures bases right?


Steelheart's Champions

And second up in this category is my first Marvel Crisis Protocol miniature for the year. I have a vauge plan to finish up one a month, just to try and work through the back log of miniatures I have sitting there.

But first, Heimdall!

Looking menacing and awesome!

The rainbow bridge effect was created by playing with Contrast paints

But wait there is more! Thirdly in this category is a whole mess load of Thirty Years War Germans, for my Imperial German Army for ADLG-R. These have been in my "to do" pile for a good while, and over the Christmas break I genuinely put in a bunch of effort to make sure that I painted all of the models I had for this army. 

Everything that I finished this month, which included....

...two bases of Late Pike and Shot, with regimental guns....

...two more bases of Late Pike and Shot with regimental guns....

...three bases of Croat Cavalry...

...and two bases of Commanded Shot tokens!

Naturally, now that I have painted all of the models I have for the army, I have now ordered the last of the models from Khurasan to finish the army off!

3. Finish up a piece of terrain

Terrain this month is two Wild West Buildings from 4ground, part of a large order I picked up at the start of last year, that arrived very recently.

The part assembled buildings are some of my favourite from the range!

Only the first floor of Rogan's Bar is new

Sadly for me they had changed the colour of the green they used for Rogan's bar, meaning that when I was adding on just the first floor, it looked just a bit daft. Cue a repaint, and it is now looking great!

4. Play a game a month, that was different to the last month

The game this month is our rescheduled Remember December event, with a group of us getting together to play games of Late War Flames of War, and reflect on our good friend Nick.

I brought along my 82nd Airborne paras, who were really solid. The British Shermans were largely ornamental, and I think I would have been better served in every game with US Shermans or M10s. They looked brilliant tho, so that was a win!

Jagdtigers looking brilliant

Until one Jagdtiger got itself killed by a Para bazooka in assault!

This Jeep was hit by a 128mm shell from a Jagdtiger

My Para HQ walking away after killing two Panzer IVs (or more, capturing them)

This was the Shermans not being ornamental

Defensive position of Paras!

Nick's Staghounds, well run by Bob

All in all, it was a great competition. Timing of games was challenging, 85 points of Late War in an hour in a half encourages some very fast play! 

On reflection, I should really have run tanks, but I can remedy that for the next competition!

5. Paint a Hundred Years War French Army for ADLG

And here we go on a brand new ADLG army! I didn't manage to get the light right for the photos, so I'll have to do a bit better on that front in February.

Paint one base for ADLG

I am not sure what basing I will use for the army yet (that will wait until I have finished a few more bases so I can do them all at the same time), so for now we have six foot knights, which were a great way to start getting my head into heraldry!

The first three, including "ugly rugby jersey" in the middle there.....

And three more to complete the whole base

Next up? Crossbowmen I think....

Paint one Knight for ADLG

And the first knight has been completed too. I deliberately chose a complicated-ish heraldry, I'm going to be challenging myself to get even better at painting it over the year!

Stripey lance? Weird Heraldry? Perfection

And that's it, on to February!


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