Wednesday 31 May 2023

Pooch's May update

So I was so late in finishing my April update, that I was actually also able to complete most of my May update at the same time... Oops.

But, on to what I painted this month!

1. Paint a platoon for Flames of War

This month I finished up some more Shermans for my Late War US Army, which included finishing up a whole lot of additional turrets to give me options for different Sherman armaments.

The finished platoon- 6 105mm Shermans, 2 were new hulls, all new turrets

The extra turret haul! 75mms, 76mms, Jumbo turrets....

I also added some mud to the last of the tanks I had previously painted too!

Snowy and muddy

And more things that I have previously painted!

More snowy and muddy!

Next up? Not sure, probably some Infantry!

2. Add something to armies I have already painted

I have a large Adeptus Sororitas army for 40k, and we have been getting back of playing both small games of 40k using the Boarding Action rules, but also playing Kill Team. Last year I bought a box of Novitiates, so that I would be able to play the specific Sororitas Kill Team, and this month I finall got them painted!

A variety of close combat weapons

More close combat weapons!

And since I had to get the airbrush out to do the white armour on the Novitiate Superior, I also finished up a sister with a flamer to use in both Kill Team and in Boarding Action too!


The sub-goal of "One Marvel Crisis Protocol Miniature a month" continues, with Angela to finish off all of the Asgardians I own. Which reminds me that I need to buy Beta Ray Bill....

3. Finish up a piece of terrain

Not only did I paint up a new Kill Team, I also painted a table with which to play games of Kill Team on!

I bought the Kill Zone Moroch Box, and promptly painted it up. My painting method was a couple of cans of spraypaint grey, lots of different colours for detailing, and then oil washes to bring it into a more "grimdark" feel.

The quality of the terrain is really high- it's really modular, with clever attachment points and other things to make it super useable. I especially love the 40k radar dish, it's such a lovely sci fi element. I would not be at all sad to buy some more to make up a full 40k table!

4. Play a game a month, that was different to the last month

Skirmish gaming in the 40k universe? With a massive variety of missions, unique individuals and units? And a really fun set of mechanics?

Completing the theme for the month, it's Kill Team!

You can play it indoors.....

Sisters vs Navy Breachers

Boltgun vs Shotgun!

You can play it outdoors (on my new terrain no less!)...

Icon Bearer, on a roof. 

The Novitiates advance! They are all about to be gunned down by a demonic bolter, or killed by a Powerfist....

The dastardly forces of the Emperor's Children

Novitiate Superior vs Sorceror. She did not win....

Novitiates running for terrain in the second game!

See McZ's post for more photos of the outdoor games.

Regardless of where you play it, Kill Team is a really enjoyable game with a suprisingly large amount of depth. The Sororitas and the Novitiates kill teams play really differently- while the Novitiates have a lot more unique models and interactions, they are just so much less survivable than the full Battle Sisters- who are relying on boltguns, power armour and faith to get the job done.

Oh, and flamers, meltas and various types of bolters certainly help too!

5. Paint a Hundred Years War French Army for ADLG

The slow progress on this army continues....

Paint one Knight for ADLG

Paint one base for ADLG

I finished up the first commander for the army, none other than Jeanne of Arc herself!

Perry Miniatures knocks it out of the park again with a great sculpt!

Oh, and more peasants!

Must be time for crossbowmen?


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