Saturday 27 May 2023

Kill Teaming It Old School

 The day did not start well. 

We were intending to play a game of Gellerpox vs Elucidian Star Striders and it turned out Blogger Pooch had sold his Gellerpox and I opened my model case to pack the Emperors Children before club day and then forgot to put the trays with all my Guard and Star Striders back in the case.... 


So we decided to play Red vs Blue and I broke out the Emperors Children - using some classic 2e-era Chaos Space Marines. We definitely had the ideal deployment with a height advantage to deploy the heavy Noise Marine and a Marine wielding a Tainted Boltgun.

From this vantage point, the Noise Marine machinegunned Pooch's Penitent (because that chainsword is SCARY) in the first turn. His compatriot with a bolter rolled some stupid dice and multi-critted, deleting another Novice. Pooch attacked aggressively, wielding only autopistols he couldn't engage in a firefight!

On my right, the Aspiring Champion vaulted the wall and charged into the approaching Novices:


Powerfists do 7 damage on a critical hit and Novices only have 7 health. It was not pretty. I kind of stopped taking photos at this point as in the remainder of that second turn, Pooch hauled the game back hard! On my left, the Canoness absolutely middled the Balefire Acolyte into next year and the close combat warrior was flamed to death having cut things while already cutting things. On the right, having power-fisted all of Pooch's good close combat models, the Aspiring Champion was shot in the back with a plasma pistol at full power and evaporated! The Canoness went down in a hail of shells from the Noise Marine.

Pooch's last Novice ran for the hangar door objective in my drop zone in the last turn while my Noise Marine and the Emperor's Children Marine took and held the Auspex Shrine and the Vox Antenna. This left us with a final score of 8 - 6 to the Emperor's Children, largely off the back of my completing two of my Tac Ops - despoiling the Imperial Corpses and sending the Canoness to the Emperors reward. 

We played a second game and I broke out my Phobos Kill Team and promptly forgot to take any photos. It was very close - we both dropped some absolutely savage shots into each other's warband and I found the Phobos' mobility was great for keeping ahead of Pooch's Novices. I had real trouble doing meaningful damage with only bolters, despite using Bolter Discipline almost every turn. Pooch played it really well and managed to achieve his Tac Ops where I did not and won the match 6 - 2. 

Overall, I really like Kill Team. I'd love to play it out with a more complete rostering system and a narrative view of the world. 

I painted a thing!

Given Kill Team, I figured I should paint my set of barricades. Nothing flashy - just a metal drybrush, some filth wash and some rust but they're done now! I've also been finishing up assembling and priming my Breachers so they're next on the to do list. 

Next Time


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