Wait, where did August go? I swear it was just here a minute ago.
Well, at least I got some painting done?
1. Paint a platoon for Flames of War
Back to my Late War US, this time with not one, but TWO platoons!
First up is 3 60mm mortars |
And an L-4 Grasshopper AOP! |
Next month needs to keep me on the "paint more infantry train", doing a batch of bases each month- I have a lot of infantry to work through....
2. Add something to armies I have already painted
First up here is a brand new warband for The Silver Bayonet, this time, it's the Swiss!
Made from the awesome Perry Plastics, with a number of little conversions and changes, then with a couple of the awesome Northstar metal models to round out the force.
Sapper, Officer and Heavy Cavalry |
Three Voltigeurs and a Grenadier |
Highwayman, Artillerist and Occultist |
And sticking with the red theme of the Swiss, I also finished up a Marvel Crisis Protocol figure too- this time another iteration of Iron Man!

The metallic red is a PIG to photograph, this was the best I could do. I promise that it's better in person, and I'll do a better job of the photo next month... because this Iron Man is linked to yet another Iron Man model....
3. Finish up a piece of terrain
Sticking with the Silver Bayonet theme, I finished up a tomb from the Saxonia range, printed by
Battlekiwi. It is a cute little model, and fits perfectly with the Silver Bayonet aesthetic.
I'm sure nothing evil will come out of this tomb..... |
4. Play a game a month, that was different to the last month
But wait, there is MORE Silver Bayonet!
I borrowed James' French, to play a game against McB's Austrians.....
Vindivaniere vs Dhampir |
Dragoons getting it done |
Well... maybe not this dragoon.... |
I do so love Silver Bayonet, and it'll be next month's games too I expect!
5. Paint a Hundred Years War French Army for ADLG
Paint one base for ADLG
This month was a good one for ADLG, finishing up a bunch of smaller bases, which significantly less glamourous than knights, are quite important for the whole "army functioning" part of the game....
Two bases of light infantry |
I also had
Potbelly Miniatures print up a Ribauldequin artillery piece, to give me some Light Artillery. The crew are converted from Perry Miniatures infantry, using some pieces from other Perry kits, and good ol' kitbashing.
Little organ gun! |
A better view of the cannon |
Ok, so
maybe a single Light Artillery piece isn't actually a part of making the army work well. But it's just such a silly piece, how can you not want one?
Paint one Knight for ADLG
Another Knight! |
Next month really needs me to paint more Knights- 3 bases is not enough!
Paint up an army of 15mm Celts
Well, if you are going to bring Chariots for a Celt army, you can't just have 4, so this month I doubled that number, as well as finishing up four bases of javelinmen skirmishers.
Zoom! |
More Zoom! |
Less zoom, but still useful! |
I'm very short of Medium Swordsmen for the list, so I really should paint more of them...
And that's what I got completed in August- on to September's painting!
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