Saturday 9 April 2022

And I thought last week was bad...

She was a busy week in real-life-land this week so not a lot's been happening hobbywise. Although with Easter coming up, I'm hoping to remediate that and get a bit of building and painting time.


 I've tentatively lined up a game of Victory at Sea with Blogger Pooch at our next club day so I thought I should probably get moving on the Emanuelle Filiberto and my BA201 Dive Bombers.

Apparently I also forgot to document any of my palette decisions or techniques when I painted the whole fleet last time so it'll be a bit of a process to figure out how to match up with my existing fleet. I'm also mildly nervous about doing candy stripes again...
So while I waited for inks to dry and procrastinated about candy stripes, I started a new big build: 

This is the core of a Knight Errant for 40K - a project that'll finish up my small 3-vehicle Knight detachment and enable an entertaining knight + Imperial Guard army I want to play. I'm debating building the pilot's cabin, which I kind of want to do, but putting the rocket pod on with the hatch open feels like it might wind up looking a little silly. Anyway, I'll keep building and this model will be a blog feature for the next wee while as it'll be assembled and painted in parts, a valuable lesson learned from building Titans.

... and at least one thing got finished...

 I did my ADLG camp! The excellent print that Blogger Triple T (over here at Potbelly Minatures) did for me came up a treat. The white's a bit rough, which is kind of fine given that it does a good job of matching the rest of the army.

 I 'primed' the tent with Mod Podge which covered up the print lines, especially on the tent roof, and while I lost a bit of the detail, I'm pretty happy with how it came out. I've also started Mod Podge-ing the islands I bought from Battlekiwi in advance of probable boats in a couple of weeks.

...and a game!

I had a game of Late War, 100 point, Flames of War with clubmate BB and his able die-roller, BB-Junior.

BB wanted to try out a US M18 list in an offensive, long table game and in advance of our annual club competition in a couple of months, I wanted to give my Jagdpanzer IV/70 another run with some relatively recently painted Hummels going in for the prior Wespes and dropping two of the four Pumas that had been in the list. 

We played Escape, with the Allies attacking. I left the Jagdpanzer IV/70s and the Pumas off, knowing they would come on the short table edge behind BB's deployment zone.

Soon to be Sherman Crocodiles

BB attacked vigorously up his left flank under cover of smoke, part of his cunning plan running 2 Priest batteries and a 105mm battery. I got no reserves till turn 3...

I ambushed my StuGs in turn 2 in an attempt to remove some M18s (to prepare for the certain arrival of my Jagdpanzers) and that resulted in a couple of turns of us shooting marshmallows at each other and my not dealing with the Sherman Crocs. My Hummels put some serious hurt on his infantry platoon though and even had a crack at some of the M18s.

Underprepared for Flame Tanks

When the Flametanks finally arrived on the objective (when I lost the game the first time but we carried on playing), they slowly set about removing my infantry on the objective alongside my Quad AA guns. The AA and 251s easily prevented the remnant infantry platoon from holding the objective but I also singularly failed to remove enough of the Sherman Crocs due to my over reliance on my Jagdpanzer HQ which eventually cost me the game the second time!

This should have gone better than it did

The Jagdpanzer IV/70s had three turns in the rear of BBs army, including two turns surviving M18 hits to the face and side, and managed to do a sum total of nothing, despite having a good chance at breaking the fairly fragile M18 company. 

In the end, my poor StuG ambush choice and BBs aggressive use of his Sherman Crocs won the day for the Americans although a post-game analysis suggested that had I deployed my StuGs better, BB would have had a much tougher time. He said afterward that having a crack at the company break to save the game (in a turn where every Jagdpanzer shot missed instead) has led him to rewrite the list and I really like where he's gone with it.

 All in all, a delightfully chill game with a mate which I very much enjoyed. 

Next Time

More Knight and the finished boats I'm sure. 

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