Wednesday 13 April 2022

Pooch's March update

Wait, March is done too? This is getting ridiculous. I don't have a good reason for why it's taken me two weeks to get this post written. Life I guess? Shrug.

Luckily, painting has still managed to carry on!

1. Paint a platoon of DAK each month

This month is one of my favourite vehicles for the Afrika Corps- the Diana!

Marrying up a captured Russian anti-tank gun, with some slabs of armour plate on top of a half tracked prime mover- such fun! In game terms they are fine- they get overshadowed by the Marder, which does the same job better, for a point or so more. Regardless, rule of cool means I bought Diana, not Marders!

Oh so cool!

With crew, and ranging rulers

2. Add something to armies I have already painted

This month it's Adeptus Titanicus, where I have finished the biggest, and smallest models for the game!

First up is the Warbringer, equipped with two massive Plasma Destructors, with magnetised small weapons on it's shoulders. It's the shooty version of the one that McZ finished up a month or so ago!

And along with the Warbringer, I also finished some of the lovely Armigers from Forgeworld. These little cuties are potentially useful in game, especially when I added the two 3d printed ones I finished up at some stage last year.

Such a big stomy titan!

And not so big and stompy!

Next month... not sure!

3. Finish up a table of terrain

More progress on my 28mm Moderns table, this time with buildings from the amazing Corvus Games! We have a local club member who has started into the 3d printing game, who is doing exceptionally good work at it. Combine that with some really high quality designs from Corvus, and you have a recipie for some really really cool terrain for my table.

The two new buildings, plus some locals

A close up of the back of the Corvus Games building

And the oh so cool donut shop!

I also managed to find a mould I had lying around for some Jersey Barriers, so I cast up a set from DAS Clay to add to the table too.

Next up? More from Corvus Games!

4. Play a game a month, that was different to the last month

This month it was a brand new game for me, Altar of Freedom! McB and I got out our shiny new 6mm ACW and refought the second battle of Kernstown.

As a ruleset we both really liked how the game played- there was a lot in it both strategically and tactically, and while units were outright destroyed only rarely, there was a lot of push backs and exploitation moves. 

Union Dismounted Cavalry hold the hill, with infantry in reserve

The Union defensive line on the hill, with the Confederates advancing

The fight on the Union left flank

Definitly a game that we will be playing more of this year. The other important conclusion that we came to was that we would need more 6mm ACW (oh no....)

5. Paint a new historical army

With my 6mm ACW completed (for now), I have moved on to the next new historical army for the year, a 15mm Thirty Years War Catholic army for ADLG-R. I have gone with the lovely Khurasan miniatures, and have set about buying them in small(ish) batches, so that I don't become overfaced and demotivated- learning some lessons from finishing up other Ancient armies! 

Nothing is yet finished, so here is a taster for how we are going- some Dragoons!

Some cuirassiers are up next, and maybe some basing?

Progress is..... acceptable....


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