Saturday 2 April 2022

Not the most productive week...

 For some very good reasons! 

I did paint one thing this week which has been sitting around on the painting desk for a while. One M113 FIST for TY / Seven Days to the River Rhine.

I've rambled before about using Vallejo Model Air colours on these models before and having done AAPV7s and Sergeant Yorks, an M113 was relatively easy by comparison, even with it's slab sides. I picked this up many many moons ago with a view to testing out a digital camouflage scheme that I'd still like to try one day for some 1980s Jordanians but never got around to it. 

I have managed to do a bit of prep this week too and have a few things hitting the primer in the upcoming week too, some of which make lots of sense and a couple were things I just picked up on a whim. 

Having watched the 'Old Bale Eye' episode of Hammer and Bolter this weekend, I'm super keen to get Yarrick done and the not-April-Fools that Squats are coming back to 40K is moderately exciting given that I have two of the four extant Permitted Abhumans in my Guard army already, adding in the other two would be awesome.


I have also played some games of Unfathomable, a Cthulhu-framed reimagining of Battlestar Galactica. 

 Blogger Pelarel has done an amazing job of painting up the Deep Ones, Mother Hydra and Father Dagon. He's mentioned wanting to find a decent set of figures for the PCs too, which would make this extra cool.

I've lost a bunch of games of BSG over the years, and the first couple I played as a Cylon were completely disastrous! Mechanically, Unfathomable is similar enough that comparisons with BSG are easy. It has the same sort of model where the characters do the things and then have a crisis with a couple of macro games (the make-ship-go track and the make-monsters-away track) but for me I think it's a better game than BSG. There are slightly fewer moving parts in the game but the characters feel a bit more like there's a point to them other than your particular combo of skill cards. 

It seems especially successful for the traitors. It feels slightly easier to hide than BSG and if you are exposed being sent to the Brig doesn't become a massive drama and you've got a lot more chance to interact with the game even when you are exposed. Every time I play this we spend heaps of time putting the hybrids into the Brig or the Sickbay and they keep coming back.

I'm not sure we've won this yet, but we're getting there. This last game we made it through the full travel requirement for the first time and it was the last one that sank the ship. Rude. 

Next Time

I'm hoping to have the Teutons on the park this coming weekend although convincing some of my gamer friends to take on the Knightly Orders might be a bit optimistic...

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