Saturday 31 December 2022

Happy Holidays

 So I took Christmas Day off from writing blog posts and honestly, seemed like a good idea. However, in amongst the small mountain of 1:1 scale work that's been going on around my house, I have got a bit of painting time in. 

I've spent a lot of it on prep - the rest of my 15mm Spanish infantry has been ice-block sticked and primed, I've painted the last of the horses on my cavalry (but not the riders yet...) so they're ready to get moving on. I've also built some vehicles and finished up painting another warband for Warhammer Underworlds.

So here's a quick few photos:

Skaeth's Wild Hunt was one of those Underworlds warbands I really wanted to paint and I'm fairly happy with how Skaeth himself has come out. I've based this on the studio scheme but done a few things a little differently to suit how I like to do things.

The first two turrets and hulls of the Battlefront Ostwind / Wirbelwind kit came next. I can't say these were the most fun kits I've ever built - the turrets are a touch fiddlier than I'd like although they're 1000000% better than the old metal 2cm quads and that's for damn skippy. The casts on the crew were also a bit of a letdown - very fuzzy. However, it's great that there's enough in the kit to do both turrets and given I wanted both options for lists for Bulge, I'm stoked to have them. 

Finally, to welcome in 2023, Boba Fett! I really enjoyed painting this and spent longer than I probably normally would working out exactly which colours I wanted everything. Turns out there's a lot of inconsistency between the original movies, the new TV series and the comic illustrations. I basically scrolled through pictures and wound up with a weird mishmash of all of them. Meh.

Next Time

The last of the holiday break WIPs and a bit of a plan for 2023, thinking about what's on the to-do list, what I might start and what I'd like to get finished. 

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