Well, 2022 is now done. And that was.... a year.
Before we get into the plan for 2023, some reflections on the year.
Recap of 2022
What am I happiest I painted or played?
I think this has to go to the two tables of terrain I finished, one for Silver Bayonet and one for 28mm moderns. Both included new techniques, lots of creativity and effort to get done, and coming from someone who hasn't really liked doing terrain in the past, it was great to actually be excited about making them!
My progress on the DAK would have to be the best miniatures I have painted this year...
It's quite a lot of desert yellow- and far from everything I own! |
What am I proudest to have painted?
Tough question, I mean, I'm stoked with the airbrush painting on the terrain, the fact that I have actually finished a bunch of things, and have generally managed to make solid progress on a number of fronts, but I think the models I am happiest with are actually the 15mm Shermans, because they involved a lot of different techniques that worked out really, really well on those models.
What game did I enjoy the most?
Now this is an unanswerable question. Silver Bayonet? Warhammer Underworlds? good ol' Flames?
What did I miss out on in 2022?
I think this would go to the games that I didn't manage to play this year (like Titanicus, or Necromunda, etc etc), and for only having played one game of Marvel Crisis Protocol. It was super duper fun, and I'm looking forward to playing more of that in 2023!
And from a painting perspective… it’s not like the pile of "to paint" has gotten any smaller in 2022 I think....
Plan for 2023
Alrighty, so what's the plan for 2023 then? Well, mostly consistent with 2022 as it turns out.
So for each month, I am going to set myself the challenge to finish:
1. Paint a platoon for Flames of War
I have still got more DAK to finish, but I also have my late war US tanks which need to be painted too.
And then who knows?
2. Add something to armies I have already painted
This worked out pretty well last year as a goal, so I will maintain it for this year. If only to keep working through my excessive backlog!
ADLG-R, more Warhammer Underworlds, and maybe a Marvel Crisis Protocol miniature each month? Who knows!
3. Finish up a piece of terrain
This was probably the most influential goal I made last year, and so I am committed to keeping it up!
In terms of what to expect, I have a bunch of 4ground Wild West terrain, plus a whole 15mm Vietnam table to do..... so we will see!
4. Play a game a month, that was different to the last month
Keeping this one as is, because it's a great goal to have!
5. Paint a Hundred Years War French Army for ADLG
So the genuinely new goal for the year. I would like to paint up a Hundred Years War French army, using the brilliant miniatures from Perry Miniatures. I'm going to go pretty stereotypical for them, so expect to see Crossbowmen, heavy knights, peasants and of course, Joan of Arc!
So cool! |
Now, to make it easy on myself, and to encourage myself to do my best painting, I'll split this big goal into two sub-goals, namely:
- Paint one base for ADLG- doesn't matter what kind, but matters that the base gets painted!
- Paint one Knight for ADLG- just one, but this should keep me from going insane from painting fleur-de-lys, and encouraging me to give it my best painting effort!
So there you have it, the goals for 2023 are now set, I'd better get cracking!