Saturday 14 September 2024

A fairly conventional club day and blog post

Team Yankee!

This weeks club day included a game of Team Yankee - a game I haven't played in ages. With new dynamic points, it seemed like it would be worth rolling out some M1A1s and seeing how the really big bois run. 

Clubmate Tom rolled in with a really cool Polish list - taking some of the good kit - T72s with ERA and Songsters - and attacked me in Escape. 

I'm going to preface what follows with a caveat - I didn't get reserves or air support until the third turn and that makes winning in Escape fairly difficult when your only reserve is 40 points of M1A1s. Also, I picked the wrong end of the table, deployed badly and then didn't play to my failing to get reserves. Not to take away from Tom's game at all - he played it well knowing that there was an inevitable pile of M1s arriving behind him!

In some sub-par defensive positions

Army defending their favourite TV show...

 I made a bunch of long range ATGM shots in the first turn and polished off some Monkey T72s and a few light vehicles but lost most of my Bradleys (who weren't properly concealed from the return fire because I didn't think through my first turn properly). Tom pushed slowly and deliberately up the whole front and having the good T72s definitely gave him better odds of landing shots, even with RoF1!

Air support finally arrives and is roughly handled

Turn three and my Abrams and Harriers finally arrived. The Abrams removed Tom's Gaskins and wrecked a Dana but couldn't get a bead on anything heavier from the base edge. The Harriers weathered a phenomenal amount of fire (and left Tom and I looking up loads of AA rules) but their cluster bombs managed to miss everything of substance.

 The LAV-ADs, having had no air assets to go after in the whole game, rolled out and gave the Polish BMPs an absolute hiding with their GAU-12s. It was pretty effective but they went down in a screaming heap to some T55s and T72s.

Polish T72s roll onto the objective

 So in the end, I needed a to hit a very specific pair of T72s with a couple of shots from my Cobras, which I didn't. I probably had a turn where I could (and should) have moved my infantry across the table to defend that objective but like I said - Tom played well! 

It was actually a good game and I would like to play it again. It was interesting to poke around the list and see what else I could do with it. Basically I concluded that probably need to fit in some M106 mortars and shift the infantry out of the Bradley company and into a Mech platoon so that I could have four more Bradleys on table. That would have given me measurably more AT firepower and a smoke bombardment which could have given me better opportunities to focus TOW2s into the T72s.

Kings of War

The rebasing of the old Warmachine army is nearly done - I have four more units to rebase and a couple more that need flocking and then it's all done. This current batch is pretty much the last of characters: 

Reznik1 proxying as a Dictator, a War Wizard, a Mounted High Paladin and a Mounted Abbess. Nothing too big or clever but good uses of the old models.

I took the army out for a run yesterday and it went surprisingly well - I got a 2 - 2 draw with Scotty in a very very swingy game and then clubmate Ryan got pinged by some very lucky boxcar Nerve tests by me. The cool thing was learning that the army standard bearer can hand out Aegis Fragments making the fairly beefy army beefier.  Downside? 10 year old superglue is a PITA and I have got a very big and irritating repair job on the blasted Errant Standard Bearer. It was a nuisance in the Warmachine days and, it turns out, still is! I'll be giving a few variants on this army a go in the foreseeable future.

Next Time

Good question. The to-do pile is diminishing nicely so probably a bit of a mixed bag of whatever I feel like painting this week! 

Saturday 7 September 2024

Mad rebasing efforts

 So I've been doing a BIG rebasing effort on moving my Warmachine to Kings of War and it's come on a treat this last week. 11 new bases done, three more nearly ready for flocking and three more waiting for basing.

This collection of single models will be a Priest and a pair of High Paladins - using the High Reclaimer as a lowly priest offends my Warmachine knowledge but it's a sweet model and I wanted it. 

I did a couple of bases of Sisterhood Cavalry. These are obviously not riding around on cats but I think I can live with that proxy. I'm going to keep the Unit Leader to make a mounted Abbess too. They'll ultimately go in to support the two units of Paladin cavalry that are coming down the pipe as flanking units.

Then, the logical extension of units and the reason this whole conversion became a workable thing. These two bases of Knights Exemplar from my Menoth collection will do solidly as Paladin infantry. On the left, with two handed weapons and on the right, with hand weapons and shields. It was a nice easy pick up and rebase an boom done.

For grins, a couple of units and here's where the Warmachine vibes really start coming out. The unit on the left is a Zealot Rocketeer unit and a Redeemer warjack who will proxy in as Men-at-Arms crossbowmen and the second unit is a Regiment of Ogre Palace Guards. So the Devout and Dervish warjacks, and their favourite caster Amon ad-Raza, are the first of two Regiments made with light warjacks. And if you thought this through to it's logical conclusion, there are two Hordes of Ogre Palace Guards coming with heavy warjacks. Those bases are going to be heavy!

Finally, a couple of the big bois - Kreoss 3 rides in as the hero Gnaeus Sullustis and Severius 2 will be Danor the Wizard, a model that seems quite good in that it has five spells and can cast all of them every turn...

I've also done another base of Sisterhood Infantry and prepared a second of the two bases of Paladin Infantry as well so there's more of this to come alongside, with a bit of luck with timing and the excellent work of Che over at Potbelly, I'm actually coming dangerously close to be able to get this army on the table so will be booking in a game at our next club day to try and push me over the finish line. I think at this stage I've got six more big bases and a few other random models to finish...

Next Time

Kings of War and maybe Necromunda, maybe 40K. Not sure yet! 

Wednesday 4 September 2024

Pooch's August updates

Three on time updates? What is this madness?!

Madness. It won't last....

1. Paint something bought before 2024

So the push to paint all of my Late War US forces continues, starting this time with a whole bunch of infantry...

Three bazooka teams 

Three rifle teams

Another three rifle teams.....

And another three rifle teams!

Which amounts to about half of the total amount of infantry I need to get done to be finished with the whole army. Progress is good! 

I also finished up some more vehicles, first up some transports for the infantry...

5 M3 Halftracks!

As well as some more Shermans, this time with hull flamethrowers and fuel trailers! The hulls, trailers and trailer bases were all printed by Potbelly Miniatures, the turrets are Battlefront plastics, which keeps all of the Shermans looking consistent across my army.

Four flamethrowing fun tanks!

So muddy. So messy. So cool.

2. Paint something bought in 2024

Hey look, it's MORE tyranids! I'm continuing to knock through them, this time finishing up:

The first Carnifex, Old One Eye themselves!

Scything talons, crushing claws and a winning smile.....

Just in time to be totally nerfed, everyone's favourite spore mine shooter, a Biovore!

The new kit is awesome!

Little ol' Ripper Swarms. So cute....

And some more spore mines. Because, floaty death mine.

I wasn't intending to get quite so many Tyranids done, but it's awesome to have made that progress! I'm going to have to keep up a similar rate if I want to have the whole backlog done by the end of the year....

3. Play a game of 40k each month

The Tyranids were back fighting the Blood Angels this month- big bugs vs Dreadnoughts was fun for everyone- especially when the Norn whiffs their attacks to kill a dreadnought, dies to the return attack, then blows up to kill the dreadnought and a whole bunch of others things....

40k. It's a silly game, that I am really enjoying!

The Norn detonates shortly after this....
4. Play a game of not-40k each month

It was another game of Silver Bayonet, which saw the Afghani seeking to raid a long forgotten temple, before the Highlanders could beat them to it!

It quickly turned into a game of "don't die to the Monsters", as mini-Pooch took control of the monsters, and proceeded to do 80% of the casualties recieved in the game...

Afghani positions at the start of the game

That's a mummy, a giant viper and a snake swarm. And one soon to be very dead Afghan.

Revenant vs Mullah. Not ideal.

The mummy scared everyone away, but not before some looting was had!

Silver Bayonet continues to be an awesome game, especially when you play it on cool terrain like that too!

It's looking like travel is the order of the day in September, so I might not get on very well with gaming!
