Saturday 7 September 2024

Mad rebasing efforts

 So I've been doing a BIG rebasing effort on moving my Warmachine to Kings of War and it's come on a treat this last week. 11 new bases done, three more nearly ready for flocking and three more waiting for basing.

This collection of single models will be a Priest and a pair of High Paladins - using the High Reclaimer as a lowly priest offends my Warmachine knowledge but it's a sweet model and I wanted it. 

I did a couple of bases of Sisterhood Cavalry. These are obviously not riding around on cats but I think I can live with that proxy. I'm going to keep the Unit Leader to make a mounted Abbess too. They'll ultimately go in to support the two units of Paladin cavalry that are coming down the pipe as flanking units.

Then, the logical extension of units and the reason this whole conversion became a workable thing. These two bases of Knights Exemplar from my Menoth collection will do solidly as Paladin infantry. On the left, with two handed weapons and on the right, with hand weapons and shields. It was a nice easy pick up and rebase an boom done.

For grins, a couple of units and here's where the Warmachine vibes really start coming out. The unit on the left is a Zealot Rocketeer unit and a Redeemer warjack who will proxy in as Men-at-Arms crossbowmen and the second unit is a Regiment of Ogre Palace Guards. So the Devout and Dervish warjacks, and their favourite caster Amon ad-Raza, are the first of two Regiments made with light warjacks. And if you thought this through to it's logical conclusion, there are two Hordes of Ogre Palace Guards coming with heavy warjacks. Those bases are going to be heavy!

Finally, a couple of the big bois - Kreoss 3 rides in as the hero Gnaeus Sullustis and Severius 2 will be Danor the Wizard, a model that seems quite good in that it has five spells and can cast all of them every turn...

I've also done another base of Sisterhood Infantry and prepared a second of the two bases of Paladin Infantry as well so there's more of this to come alongside, with a bit of luck with timing and the excellent work of Che over at Potbelly, I'm actually coming dangerously close to be able to get this army on the table so will be booking in a game at our next club day to try and push me over the finish line. I think at this stage I've got six more big bases and a few other random models to finish...

Next Time

Kings of War and maybe Necromunda, maybe 40K. Not sure yet! 

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