Wednesday 4 September 2024

Pooch's August updates

Three on time updates? What is this madness?!

Madness. It won't last....

1. Paint something bought before 2024

So the push to paint all of my Late War US forces continues, starting this time with a whole bunch of infantry...

Three bazooka teams 

Three rifle teams

Another three rifle teams.....

And another three rifle teams!

Which amounts to about half of the total amount of infantry I need to get done to be finished with the whole army. Progress is good! 

I also finished up some more vehicles, first up some transports for the infantry...

5 M3 Halftracks!

As well as some more Shermans, this time with hull flamethrowers and fuel trailers! The hulls, trailers and trailer bases were all printed by Potbelly Miniatures, the turrets are Battlefront plastics, which keeps all of the Shermans looking consistent across my army.

Four flamethrowing fun tanks!

So muddy. So messy. So cool.

2. Paint something bought in 2024

Hey look, it's MORE tyranids! I'm continuing to knock through them, this time finishing up:

The first Carnifex, Old One Eye themselves!

Scything talons, crushing claws and a winning smile.....

Just in time to be totally nerfed, everyone's favourite spore mine shooter, a Biovore!

The new kit is awesome!

Little ol' Ripper Swarms. So cute....

And some more spore mines. Because, floaty death mine.

I wasn't intending to get quite so many Tyranids done, but it's awesome to have made that progress! I'm going to have to keep up a similar rate if I want to have the whole backlog done by the end of the year....

3. Play a game of 40k each month

The Tyranids were back fighting the Blood Angels this month- big bugs vs Dreadnoughts was fun for everyone- especially when the Norn whiffs their attacks to kill a dreadnought, dies to the return attack, then blows up to kill the dreadnought and a whole bunch of others things....

40k. It's a silly game, that I am really enjoying!

The Norn detonates shortly after this....
4. Play a game of not-40k each month

It was another game of Silver Bayonet, which saw the Afghani seeking to raid a long forgotten temple, before the Highlanders could beat them to it!

It quickly turned into a game of "don't die to the Monsters", as mini-Pooch took control of the monsters, and proceeded to do 80% of the casualties recieved in the game...

Afghani positions at the start of the game

That's a mummy, a giant viper and a snake swarm. And one soon to be very dead Afghan.

Revenant vs Mullah. Not ideal.

The mummy scared everyone away, but not before some looting was had!

Silver Bayonet continues to be an awesome game, especially when you play it on cool terrain like that too!

It's looking like travel is the order of the day in September, so I might not get on very well with gaming!


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