Saturday 31 August 2024

He's baaaaaaaack!

 Guess who's back? Back again. Reznik's back....

So I've been slowly working my way through the rebase of all my Warmachine Menites into Basileans for Kings of War and the exciting moment was discovering this:

fits almost perfectly onto a KoW chariot base. This was one of my favourite models in Warmachine and I've always been sad it didn't really turn out to be much chop gameplay wise. Not sure it'll be much chop as an Abbess (HEY ABBESS! You'll know if you read that out in the voice I think you did) but I'm too stoked that it worked. 

Otherwise, just working my way through the whole shebang. I did the ballista (since it turns out there's one in the list:

and then did the first rebase of Daughters of the Flame into Basilean Sisters. I've included a Reclaimer on the base as, well, I have all these random character models and I kind of want to use them! The second base will look much the same I think.


I have also started working on a couple of list builds since I figured if I do that, I'll be more likely to get the right bases done in the right order. I have about 3500 points of models for this so it's doing a little bit of thinking about it all from end to end. 

Imperial Agents

So I finally painted my Arbites and they're mint. It's a mad unit of all sorts of silliness but I love how it's come out.  Somewhere in the last little while, GW started getting a thing for shotguns and I am 1000% here for it. The sniper and the sergeant are arguably my favourite models but mostly I'm glad they're done and the pile of shame is further reduced.

With the drop of the codex last week, I've decided it's finally time for me to start learning 10e so will be chatting to a couple of the lads about a low-effort learning game at the club next week. I've played a couple of games but I still have a lot to learn about how the game works. Also, the new Boarding Actions are out and defo keen to give an Agents Boarding party a run. I have two squads of Breachers for a reason!

Next Time

I attempt SOUP at 40K and who knows what else...

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