Saturday 24 August 2024

We did some gang fisticuffs!

Blogger Scotty and I tried to remember how toplay Necromunda. We did okay in the end - a few things that needed to be ground through to figure out what was supposed to happen (and a few things where a good consistency copy editor could really have helped) but it was an absurd game! 

The coolest bit is that because Scotty has the boarding action terrain, we could play a Zone Mortalis tunnel fight. It wasn't perfect but close enough! This was how we began our foray into the tunnels:

Scotty deployed a set of fire teams across his frontage and I mixed and matched with my Firebrand, Deacon and Redemptor Priest to get some solid multi-activations to deliver the redemptive fires...

First bomb rat of the game! The ganger who set him on his way passed his intelligence check and this rat ran his explosive molotov into the pair of Enforcers - the incendiary set them both alight and did no damage but it kept Scotty's sniper occupied for most of the game! The second bomb rat didn't go so well and instead ran right next to my boss and a jubve and set them alight instead. Scotty enjoyed this and rightly so!

Most of the game was poor die rolls making the difference. At one point, Scotty had a single Zealot engaged by his captain, an enforcer and a dog and the Zealot managed to put two solid strikes into the captain's head (Scotty failing 2+ saves) before the captain went down and shortly after the dog chewed up the poor zealot. 

I set a lot of things on fire but generally didn't do much damage with it although it kept some of Scotty's better troops occupied running around and stop-drop-and-rolling. I'll be curious to see if it's any more effective against less well armoured opponents. Gotta be honest, a lot of my success was due to Scotty's rolling 1s on 2+ saves...


In the end, we largely walked away unscathed despite a half a dozen casualties on both sides. The heroic zealot who took down the Palatinite Captain (only to be eaten by a robot dog) didn't much enjoy his trip to the doctor and worse still, one of my Redemptionist brethren was ARRESTED!! For practicing his religion. With a flamethrower. So there'll be a rematch as we try to get him out of jail with some degree of prejudice...

I also broke out the Wallachians for a run in ADLG but the less said about that game the better. It was an interesting match against a cavalry heavy Seleucid but honestly? My dice were fecking awful and there's only so much you can do about that....

More Menites

I'm slowly getting into a groove with this rebasing effort but it's a slow grind too.  But progress. 

The Avatar of Menoth is stepping in for the Ogre Palace Guard Captain (that proxy decision will make sense later) and then the Idrian Skirmishers will be a couple of troops of Sisterhood Scouts. Seemed like a sensible call to me.

Next Time

More work on the Menite Basileans and probably some pics from a local comp next weekend that I'm not playing in! 

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