Sunday 4 August 2024

Pooch's July updates- Afgans and WW2 US

What is this? 

Two on time blog posts in a row?

Madness. It won't last....

1. Paint something bought before 2024

Finishing up my early and mid war Afrika Korps army last month made me look over to the pile of unpainted Late War US, realising that I needed to do something similar to knock them off too.

So with that in mind, I got to work! Progress for this month was to knock off key pieces of a Late War Tank Destroyer company, namely:

A Company HQ

A Recon platoon

A Platoon of M36 Jacksons

Close up on a Jackson

Thankfully the techniques I used on the army in the past came back to me quite well- next up I need to paint some infantry!

2. Paint something bought in 2024

Along with resolving myself to knock off the Late War US, I decided I really wanted to finish up all of my Tyranids too. So with that in mind, I'm going to keep a focus on finishing something each month, just to keep the momentum up. This month, it was two Lictors:

It's no secret that as a group, we all love the Silver Bayonet game. So with the release of the recent Egypt book, it was an easy sell for me to pull together some bits and pieces from Wargames Atlantic added to 3d prints by Potbelly to make up a cool looking Afghan force!

Conscript, Leader and Mullah
I opted for my Leader to have a horse!

Two Bedouin

As well as their mounted versions!

And three Irregulars to round out the force.

3. Play a game of 40k each month
This month, the Tyranids took on some Grey Knights...

Big bugs stalking through the ruins of an Imperial Hive....

The Norn just wants to introduce you to the benevolence of the Great Devourer.....

Overall it was a win to the bugs- teleporting shenanagins was trumped by very hungry monsters....

4. Play a game of not-40k each month

And for a game of not-40k, I got the Afghans out for their first game!

Horsemen capturing the sand dune....

That's not any camel.... it's a Zombie Camel!

This was the first of four camels my leader dispatched in the battle....

And I managed to do all of that this month, including having 3 weeks overseas... not a bad effort at all!


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