Saturday 17 August 2024

One-third down...

 I finally finished a thing! This pile of vexed 40K "really should get onto that" is now 1/3 smaller than it was this time last week:

This is a great series of models and while I don't love the fact that you really need two boxes to get all the variant models, they're also all so characterful, it'd be mad not to do it.

Of course, I've realised it's not quite enough acolytes for a full squad in a game of 40K so I'll be pulling out a few of the random collection of single models I've acquired over the last couple of years which is no great hardship. Also means I have the Kill Team painted so there's something to be said for getting KT on the table. 

I also started the process of basing up my Basilean Menites for Kings of War. A few easy models to start with but happy enough with how they went on bases. Definitely feeling like I made a good choice going up to the 25mm squares for the individuals. I don't think they'd fit on 20mm squares! 

These will be an Abbess, a Bearer of the Holy Icon and a Dictator. I've started on the Sisterhood Scouts and a few other large models just to test the basing theory and figure out what I need to do to each of the models to get them off a round plastic base and onto an MDF one!

Next Time


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