Saturday 3 August 2024

Workbench weekend


I've finished the first camelman and, given we're planning some Silver Bayonet at the next club day, he'll definitely get a run. It wasn't the most fun to paint and I can't say I'm looking forward to another one but needs must.

More generally, I haven't been in much of a mood for painting and modelling at the moment. But I've also become increasingly frustrated at the state of my painting workspace that's messy and badly organised. I've got plans to sort out the desk part of the workspace but the easiest way to get the rest of it tidied away is to paint all the stuff. 

 So I've started getting the things that are built primed and some things that needed doing just done and out of the way. So next jobs are to paint the last four models I want for my Egyptian French: 

That'll add a second Light Cavalryman to the unit, an artillerist or occultist, I haven't decided which and a third infantryman, just in case I need one. 

After that, it's fixing up my cock-up in list design for my Mycenaeans including generals where generals weren't allowed to be included:

I've also got to paint six more spearmen to fill the gaps in the screwed up bases but that shouldn't take long. I carefully wrote down (someplace!) how I did them so hopefully should be done and dusted fairly smartly.

And then clubmate Ryan has decided to kick off a Necromunda campaign and so I've decided I needed to prime and then paint the last eight Necromunda models I have: 

Notably the Stig Shambler and Clovis the Redeemer are unlikely to see play in the short term, but I have the models so it'd be silly not to. The Cawdor lads with the sawnoff shotgun and the regular flamer might actually make combat sooner rather than later. 

After that, I have a couple of standalone Elves I should finish and then 30-odd 40K models that will be getting on the table (he says, with some optimism) with the release of the Imperial Agents codex in a few weeks. 

Next Time

Maybe the start of the Warmachine to KoW conversion (I've done the thinking, now I have to do the massive rebasing effort) and whatever happens at the club next week... 

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