Saturday 21 September 2024

September Workbench

 One more rebase for KoW....

Also, I have done many other things!!

 Flames of War

This is the last unit I needed for my Late War Volksgrenadiers. It's a unit I have, for some reason, held off on for a long time but for not obvious reason - heavy mortars: 

They were easy enough to do and other than remembering how to make my snow recipe again, an easy job to paint. So I've finally finished up ALL the bits that have been sitting on the to-do list for Flames until the release of Early War for v4. And, honestly, that'll be a complete repaint of a very old army. I suspect my Christmas break might be taking all that paint off...

Kings of War

 The rebasing grind has carried on and I've got two more bases done - a second unit of Ogre Palace Guards and rebasing my Holy Zealots into my Men-at-Arms 'Swordsmen' lead by Vice Scrutator Vindictus as another horde of infantry.

This leaves me with only two bases left have basing material put on and two more left to rebase completely, which are the two I have been deeply reluctant to start - full metal, multipart cavalry. They were exceedingly unfun to do in the first place on their own bases, getting them onto a unit base is going to be a whole thing. But they are the last two bases that need doing...

Warhammer 40K 

I'm hoping to get my first real game of 10e in a week or so with my Imperial Guard so decided I had one fairly important task to do before then - giving my Last Chancers a quick touch up and change: 

I'm going to try running a tank company so will have limited infantry support other than a large squad of Cadians and a generic 'infantry squad' which is a great reason to break out the Last Chancers. Given the constant changes in squad makeup for Guardsmen between 2nd edition and 10th edition, all sorts of stuff is wrong but rebasing Rocket Girl and Fingers onto a single base and making them into a weapons team.

Next Time

40K hopefully. Probably some more KoW too. I'm *so* close....

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