Sunday 8 August 2021

Pooch's July update

7 months gone, 5 remaining. 2021 is fast getting away from me!

1. Finish a table of terrain

More terrain painted for Frostgrave, this time the ruined tower from TT Combat. Painted as per the rest of the terrain for that table, using spraycans, contrast paints and snow basing product.

It's a big bit of terrain!

I have a bunch more odds and sods left for this table, but I think it could well be done this month!

2. Play a game a month

I played a couple of games this month too, mostly of Victory at Sea!

American aircraft swarming over the IJN Yamato...

3. Finish a 1,500 point 40k army

You know how last month I had made a start on a bunch of different models?

Well, this month I actually finished some of them!

Battle sisters squad, with the heavy flamer borrowed from the one I had already painted

Close up on their converted cherub

And replacing the heavy flamer in the large squad is this multi-melta!

And a transport for the full squad, the stupidly amazingly detailed Immolator!

Stained glass effect comes from Contrast paint over clear plastic

So. Much. Detail.

And the Saint herself, Celestine!

Angelic AF

And her two meatshields/bodyguards

I still haven't finished up enough to make a 1,000 point army I am happy with for slow-grow in August, so more painting is needed!

4. Finish armies that I have part started

Nothing new here still.

5. Buy, build and play a new game

Another month, another new game fully painted, this time Victory at Sea! Much like Tank, I have always had a soft spot for naval wargaming and so when the result of Tom buying the rulebook and us reading it was "ok, this game looks quite playable", it didn't take much for me to buy into the game and pick up a whole bunch of US Navy ships, which I have supplemented with 3d printed aircraft.

Two battleships, the USS Idaho and USS New Mexico

Two Portland class and four Northampton class cruisers

Two carriers, the USS Essex and USS Yorktown. I have added 3d printed aircraft to the flight deck- having them clean just felt wrong!

Three Gato submarines

Three Clemson and six Fletcher destroyers (one is AWOL from the photo!)

Four bases of PT boats, three flights of Corsairs

My fleet of aircraft- this is the full complement for the USS Yorktown!

Close up of a base of Wildcats- an MDF base, a nail, a popsicle stick and some 1/1800 3d printed planes! 

I have more ships on the way to get even more variety into the games, and I want to play more games of it too!

August here we come!

The eye will be pleased when 1,000 points is complete....

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