We were supposed to have a 500-point Star Wars Legion event but the COVID restrictions on the club meant that it wasn't able to go ahead. So Pel, Scotty, Tank and I played a couple of 500 point games just for funsies!
In my first game, I had a crack at Pel's rebels, lead by Han and Chewie. Three squads of troopers including one of Pathfinders, and the two Rebel Heroes. I had Darth Vader, a squad of Shore Troopers, a squad of Storm Troopers, a Mortar and a pair of Speeder Bikes.
Pel's Rebel Pathfinders infiltrated on my left flank before I had a chance to deploy anything to stop them.
Pathfinders finding paths... |
They spent most of the game in a firefight with the Shores in which the Pathfinders ultimately emerged victorious. For my turn, I drove Vader up the middle using his special order that improves his deflection capability (which did nothing but convince Pel not to shoot at Vader!)
Fear and Dead Men
On the turn that followed, I dropped an order of Vader's that places 3 Suppression tokens on all enemy trooper units within range 2 when he activates. Pel's order choice could have made me pick another one, but he elected not to. Mistakes were made.
Speeders drop off the building and don't live much longer....
I threw everything I could at Han and got him up to 5 Suppression tokens. Pel recovered one and but it wasn't enough to stop him panicking and he headed for the base edge. That was a big win for me and was a surprising outcome as I hadn't considered Han was actually a trooper - I wanted to ideally just break the Pathfinders and the Rebel troopers in front of me. Han never really got back in the game.
I tried something else new on the third turn and gave Darth a 1-pip order to get him into combat ASAP. Vader advanced into Pel's Rebels and promptly rolled:
Vader replicates the scene at the end of Rogue One
And then that Rebel Squad went away. I got to trip the power granted by the order and used it to lift Chewie into combat with Vader. In the following turn I had two cracks at killing Chewie and failed, much to my chagrin!
This was my last shot of the game:
Only Imperial Storm Troopers are so precise
Yep. Zero hits. So memeable. This game was also the game where my Shore Trooper mortar, having aimed and shot for 4 turns in a row rolled zero hits. Yup. Zero hits. That whole squad did a sum total of not very much except annoy Pel by making a bunch of saves against Rebel shooting when they should have been shot to bits.
In the end I think It was a 3 - 1 win to me having grabbed the objective with Vader in Turn 2 and then the Storm Troopers in turn 4. Vader is pretty disgusting on the small tables at 500 points and with a deployment like the half circle, he got a long way up the park to start with. I'm keen to get hold of Iden Versio and Agent Kallus as well as they'll be quite a lot of fun in these small scale games. Pel concluded tying up 200 points in Han and Chewie didn't really do what he needed either. While both are effective, they're better in larger games, where the Jedi & Sith are more self sufficient.
I had a crack at Scotty's Rebels in two more games both of which were staggeringly bloody. The first game was a 1 - 1 draw as Scotty managed to get one dude to my base edge as I managed to get a single Speeder Bike to his base edge.
The second game was a 'just kill the other guy' and this game was the first time I have ever managed to claim a bounty with Bossk. It mostly had to do with dice rolls like this:
On top of the building, my attack roll from the Speeder Bikes at Scotty's infantry. On the basecloth, Scotty's save roll. Yup. That game pretty much went like that.
Next Time
It's a public holiday weekend and the weather forecast for the Monday holiday is very bad so some painting time should be in the offing. I've got a final wash on the Catalina so she needs some highlights and to have the rest of the canopies fitted. I'm looking forward to getting her done.