Saturday 9 October 2021

First game of ADLG

 And it was glorious. Somehow my horsey army was caught at home by the Seleukid menace and they invaded the Byzantine mountains! There was quite a lot of chicanery with impassible terrain and steep hills that left a smaller frontage but still wide enough. 

The Seleukid pike deployed on their right flank, cavalry in the centre and the elephants and medium infantry on the left. Facing them, the Byzantine Skutatoi and Varangians, deployed in an inverted V and the Kataphraktoi in the centre with the Tagmata and light horse on my left. 


The Seleukid pike advanced agressively and their Skythian mercenaries exchanged arrows with the Tagmata. We learned a lot about how bad we were shooting at each other when one side is LH and the other is 1/2bow. While the Byzantine light horse did a merry dance with the pike while, in the course of a couple of rounds of combat, the Tagmata destroyed the Seleukid cataphracts. There wasn't much to the Seleukid centre so while the pike finally turned the Byzantine flank, the Kataphraktoi started causing merry hell on the flanks of the Seleukid left. 

Blogger Scotty was forced to split his MI / El line in two to fight my Varangians on one side and my Skutatoi on the other and the net result was me having overlaps on both ends of that line and a base of Kataphraktoi into the side of his elephants. 

 There were a couple of rounds here where Scotty couldn't roll better than a 2 or a 3 and while I was all over the shop in that photo above, I think I had a net +5. And we both rolled 1s. And he still exploded. And then rampaged over the top of the Varangians.

It was a tough game for Scotty - his dice were just consistently bad and he noted that as someone who played a lot of DBM back in the day, I've still got a few tricks up my sleeve that work as well in ADLG as they did back in the old DBM 3.0 days.

Flames of War

Otherwise, I've not been up to much. I started assembling BF's lovely Jagdpanzer IV/70 kit and I'm really enjoying it. They are a beautifully crisp kit that is going together like a dream.

I'm looking forward to getting them painted and literally covering them in foilage. With a bit of luck, I'll get a game in with them before the end of the year. 

Next Time

See last week? I'm more in a mood to paint at the moment so I should get some more shinies off the to-do pile. And I want to get through re-polyfilla-ing the Byzantines and getting the rest of the weapons glued back in and the army based so I can go through and touch up all the paint that needs doing too. 

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