Saturday 31 August 2024

He's baaaaaaaack!

 Guess who's back? Back again. Reznik's back....

So I've been slowly working my way through the rebase of all my Warmachine Menites into Basileans for Kings of War and the exciting moment was discovering this:

fits almost perfectly onto a KoW chariot base. This was one of my favourite models in Warmachine and I've always been sad it didn't really turn out to be much chop gameplay wise. Not sure it'll be much chop as an Abbess (HEY ABBESS! You'll know if you read that out in the voice I think you did) but I'm too stoked that it worked. 

Otherwise, just working my way through the whole shebang. I did the ballista (since it turns out there's one in the list:

and then did the first rebase of Daughters of the Flame into Basilean Sisters. I've included a Reclaimer on the base as, well, I have all these random character models and I kind of want to use them! The second base will look much the same I think.


I have also started working on a couple of list builds since I figured if I do that, I'll be more likely to get the right bases done in the right order. I have about 3500 points of models for this so it's doing a little bit of thinking about it all from end to end. 

Imperial Agents

So I finally painted my Arbites and they're mint. It's a mad unit of all sorts of silliness but I love how it's come out.  Somewhere in the last little while, GW started getting a thing for shotguns and I am 1000% here for it. The sniper and the sergeant are arguably my favourite models but mostly I'm glad they're done and the pile of shame is further reduced.

With the drop of the codex last week, I've decided it's finally time for me to start learning 10e so will be chatting to a couple of the lads about a low-effort learning game at the club next week. I've played a couple of games but I still have a lot to learn about how the game works. Also, the new Boarding Actions are out and defo keen to give an Agents Boarding party a run. I have two squads of Breachers for a reason!

Next Time

I attempt SOUP at 40K and who knows what else...

Saturday 24 August 2024

We did some gang fisticuffs!

Blogger Scotty and I tried to remember how toplay Necromunda. We did okay in the end - a few things that needed to be ground through to figure out what was supposed to happen (and a few things where a good consistency copy editor could really have helped) but it was an absurd game! 

The coolest bit is that because Scotty has the boarding action terrain, we could play a Zone Mortalis tunnel fight. It wasn't perfect but close enough! This was how we began our foray into the tunnels:

Scotty deployed a set of fire teams across his frontage and I mixed and matched with my Firebrand, Deacon and Redemptor Priest to get some solid multi-activations to deliver the redemptive fires...

First bomb rat of the game! The ganger who set him on his way passed his intelligence check and this rat ran his explosive molotov into the pair of Enforcers - the incendiary set them both alight and did no damage but it kept Scotty's sniper occupied for most of the game! The second bomb rat didn't go so well and instead ran right next to my boss and a jubve and set them alight instead. Scotty enjoyed this and rightly so!

Most of the game was poor die rolls making the difference. At one point, Scotty had a single Zealot engaged by his captain, an enforcer and a dog and the Zealot managed to put two solid strikes into the captain's head (Scotty failing 2+ saves) before the captain went down and shortly after the dog chewed up the poor zealot. 

I set a lot of things on fire but generally didn't do much damage with it although it kept some of Scotty's better troops occupied running around and stop-drop-and-rolling. I'll be curious to see if it's any more effective against less well armoured opponents. Gotta be honest, a lot of my success was due to Scotty's rolling 1s on 2+ saves...


In the end, we largely walked away unscathed despite a half a dozen casualties on both sides. The heroic zealot who took down the Palatinite Captain (only to be eaten by a robot dog) didn't much enjoy his trip to the doctor and worse still, one of my Redemptionist brethren was ARRESTED!! For practicing his religion. With a flamethrower. So there'll be a rematch as we try to get him out of jail with some degree of prejudice...

I also broke out the Wallachians for a run in ADLG but the less said about that game the better. It was an interesting match against a cavalry heavy Seleucid but honestly? My dice were fecking awful and there's only so much you can do about that....

More Menites

I'm slowly getting into a groove with this rebasing effort but it's a slow grind too.  But progress. 

The Avatar of Menoth is stepping in for the Ogre Palace Guard Captain (that proxy decision will make sense later) and then the Idrian Skirmishers will be a couple of troops of Sisterhood Scouts. Seemed like a sensible call to me.

Next Time

More work on the Menite Basileans and probably some pics from a local comp next weekend that I'm not playing in! 

Saturday 17 August 2024

One-third down...

 I finally finished a thing! This pile of vexed 40K "really should get onto that" is now 1/3 smaller than it was this time last week:

This is a great series of models and while I don't love the fact that you really need two boxes to get all the variant models, they're also all so characterful, it'd be mad not to do it.

Of course, I've realised it's not quite enough acolytes for a full squad in a game of 40K so I'll be pulling out a few of the random collection of single models I've acquired over the last couple of years which is no great hardship. Also means I have the Kill Team painted so there's something to be said for getting KT on the table. 

I also started the process of basing up my Basilean Menites for Kings of War. A few easy models to start with but happy enough with how they went on bases. Definitely feeling like I made a good choice going up to the 25mm squares for the individuals. I don't think they'd fit on 20mm squares! 

These will be an Abbess, a Bearer of the Holy Icon and a Dictator. I've started on the Sisterhood Scouts and a few other large models just to test the basing theory and figure out what I need to do to each of the models to get them off a round plastic base and onto an MDF one!

Next Time


Saturday 10 August 2024

A Motley Collection

 I've found some little hobby mojo this week so decided to work on some various things. 

With the upcoming release of the Imperial Agents Codex for 40K, I'm genuinely excited for finally getting into 10e so decided the first thing I felt like doing that was in the "I've started and I should finish" class of things was my Inquisitorial Henchman. The most finished were a couple of large lads:

They're not the most exciting models but what's not to love about a braindead cyborg with a heavy bolter? That gets me almost half way done on the henchman pile so will try and make some real progress there over the next week and get this whole unit done.

I started the conversion of my Menoth to a Kings of War Basilean army just to mostly make sure these two bases weren't going to be *as* insane as I expected. So here are the first two bases of a new force: 

On the left is the Vessel of Judgement and on the right, Epic Reznik. The Vessel will proxy in as a troop of Sisterhood Gur Chariots and Epic Reznik will proxy in as the Abbess on Gur Chariot. He was, in particular, too perfect not to use. Still musing how the basing is going to be done but that's a later me problem. This is a slightly mad project but it was so close

Finally, I wanted to share this excellent image of the tail end of our DnD Dragonlance campaign as our party finds it's way to the final boss (no spoilers!) playing on some of the new GF9 Dungeon terrain that Blogger Tank picked up: 

It looks amazing and was so much fun to have an actual 3D dungeon not just a 2D map. Loved. It. 

Next Time 

I've started on finishing the remaining Necromunda stuff I have in advance of a campaign at our club starting in a couple of weeks so want to get that done and more Inquisistion nonsense before Imperial Agents comes out and I book in my first real game of 10e.

Sunday 4 August 2024

Pooch's July updates- Afgans and WW2 US

What is this? 

Two on time blog posts in a row?

Madness. It won't last....

1. Paint something bought before 2024

Finishing up my early and mid war Afrika Korps army last month made me look over to the pile of unpainted Late War US, realising that I needed to do something similar to knock them off too.

So with that in mind, I got to work! Progress for this month was to knock off key pieces of a Late War Tank Destroyer company, namely:

A Company HQ

A Recon platoon

A Platoon of M36 Jacksons

Close up on a Jackson

Thankfully the techniques I used on the army in the past came back to me quite well- next up I need to paint some infantry!

2. Paint something bought in 2024

Along with resolving myself to knock off the Late War US, I decided I really wanted to finish up all of my Tyranids too. So with that in mind, I'm going to keep a focus on finishing something each month, just to keep the momentum up. This month, it was two Lictors:

It's no secret that as a group, we all love the Silver Bayonet game. So with the release of the recent Egypt book, it was an easy sell for me to pull together some bits and pieces from Wargames Atlantic added to 3d prints by Potbelly to make up a cool looking Afghan force!

Conscript, Leader and Mullah
I opted for my Leader to have a horse!

Two Bedouin

As well as their mounted versions!

And three Irregulars to round out the force.

3. Play a game of 40k each month
This month, the Tyranids took on some Grey Knights...

Big bugs stalking through the ruins of an Imperial Hive....

The Norn just wants to introduce you to the benevolence of the Great Devourer.....

Overall it was a win to the bugs- teleporting shenanagins was trumped by very hungry monsters....

4. Play a game of not-40k each month

And for a game of not-40k, I got the Afghans out for their first game!

Horsemen capturing the sand dune....

That's not any camel.... it's a Zombie Camel!

This was the first of four camels my leader dispatched in the battle....

And I managed to do all of that this month, including having 3 weeks overseas... not a bad effort at all!


Saturday 3 August 2024

Workbench weekend


I've finished the first camelman and, given we're planning some Silver Bayonet at the next club day, he'll definitely get a run. It wasn't the most fun to paint and I can't say I'm looking forward to another one but needs must.

More generally, I haven't been in much of a mood for painting and modelling at the moment. But I've also become increasingly frustrated at the state of my painting workspace that's messy and badly organised. I've got plans to sort out the desk part of the workspace but the easiest way to get the rest of it tidied away is to paint all the stuff. 

 So I've started getting the things that are built primed and some things that needed doing just done and out of the way. So next jobs are to paint the last four models I want for my Egyptian French: 

That'll add a second Light Cavalryman to the unit, an artillerist or occultist, I haven't decided which and a third infantryman, just in case I need one. 

After that, it's fixing up my cock-up in list design for my Mycenaeans including generals where generals weren't allowed to be included:

I've also got to paint six more spearmen to fill the gaps in the screwed up bases but that shouldn't take long. I carefully wrote down (someplace!) how I did them so hopefully should be done and dusted fairly smartly.

And then clubmate Ryan has decided to kick off a Necromunda campaign and so I've decided I needed to prime and then paint the last eight Necromunda models I have: 

Notably the Stig Shambler and Clovis the Redeemer are unlikely to see play in the short term, but I have the models so it'd be silly not to. The Cawdor lads with the sawnoff shotgun and the regular flamer might actually make combat sooner rather than later. 

After that, I have a couple of standalone Elves I should finish and then 30-odd 40K models that will be getting on the table (he says, with some optimism) with the release of the Imperial Agents codex in a few weeks. 

Next Time

Maybe the start of the Warmachine to KoW conversion (I've done the thinking, now I have to do the massive rebasing effort) and whatever happens at the club next week...