Friday 19 May 2023

Pooch's April update

And it's here! My April update! 

Only (checks watch).... nearly three weeks late.


At least I got some painting done?

1. Paint a platoon for Flames of War

This month was a productive one for finishing up a bunch of things I needed for Valleycon, our annual club tournament.

My army for the tournament looked like this:

Many, many shermans!

I also added some mud to a few of the things I had already painted!

2. Add something to armies I have already painted

The other nerds and I have been talking a bit about our love for 40k, which is only matched by our disappointment in the current set of rules. So when we managed to have a few games of the much streamlined Boarding Action, it was a total relief to find it was not only fun, but it was also going to have a lot of the same design cues as the upcoming 10th Edition!

So that was naturally enough to make me excited to paint up some more Sororitas, this time the Special Characters Epharael Stern and her Harlequin buddy Kyganil

This solidly cured me of any visions of painting a Harlequin army

But not only that, I have been keeping up with my "One Marvel Crisis Protocol Miniature a month" sub-goal too, this time finishing up Enchantress...

Ghostly green!

3. Finish up a piece of terrain

This month I finished up some more of the awesome 3d printed Stalingrad terrain as a commission.

Pavlov's House

Train Station

4. Play a game a month, that was different to the last month

I eluded to it with the painting I had done, but I brought out the Shermans of the 761st Tank Battalion to our local tournament, Valleycon!

Overall, they were pretty excellent, the Veteran Sherman with a 76mm gun firing HVAP rounds is really good in late war. They did however blow up alot!

The downside list wise was having no infantry, it really cost me in the two games that I lost, so adding some Winter Infantry will definitely be on my future painting table.

Shermans vs Fallschrimjager!

Shermans vs Scottish Rifles

This was a very common occurence in the games....

5. Paint a Hundred Years War French Army for ADLG

The slow progress on this army continues....

Paint one Knight for ADLG

Paint one base for ADLG

Oh no, now there are more peasants!

Perhaps more.......?


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