Saturday 6 April 2024

Almost there!!

 It's been a solid weekend of hobby time this weekend and I've taken fullest advantage of it to really break the back of my Mycenaeans. 

I started with the second batch of chariots - these are the ones that will be in both armies. These are Light Chariot Javelin Elite which will fill as close a role to light cavalry as I'm going to get in this army. I've got some very low expectations of their effectiveness but they look cool:

Once again, cowhiding the chariot skins has given them some pop and in a success of mathematics, I'd saved enough javelinmen to swap out the supplied Dendritic crew for something that makes them clearly different. 
Then the bigger job, grinding through all the spearmen:
These proved to be a bit of a challenge due to some mathematics failure on my part when I ordered the models from Museum but there were enough spare and relevant models that I could kind of fill the bases out with some spare Myrmidons and, if you look super closely, Aeneas from the Trojan Heroes pack! The base on the left of the front rank is my Medium Spear general for the Trojan War army with Agamemnon and Odysseus on the base. Ajax and Diomedes will make appearances as the Heavy Spear generals in my Minoan / Mycenaean army.

Finally, I polished off the camp:

Nothing too complicated but a beached trireme on the shores of Asia Minor, accompanied by none other than Helen of Troy. The clever idea of the day was to steal a couple of transfers from an Adeptus Titanicus transfer sheet to put the necessary eyes on the trireme. I tried free-handing them but did such a terrible job I decided I'd run with this.

Where does that leave me? Six bases of Heavy Spear and a second camp for the non-Trojan War version of the army to do. Kind of excited to get both versions of that list out for a run. 

Next Time

I've lined up a game of Star Wars Legion with Blogger Pel that I'm really really looking forward to. Also some progress on the Heavy Spear and my last practice game with my Italians! 

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