Saturday, 22 February 2025

It's not practice. It's not....

First off, let me be absolutely clear. 

We are NOT practicing for Panzerschreck. We are just remembering how to play Team Yankee. 

That's my story and I'm sticking to it. 

Tank and I took our Bradley Mech / Bradley Recce doubles list out for a run against Pel and McBeth's Cheiftan / Warrior Mech doubles list at the club in a game of Outflanked!

Bit of a slow start as we looked up a bunch of stuff and figuring out how we have always adapted to playing TY on 8 x 6 tables (this is the correct size table for TY at this size and you cannot change my mind) and remembering how night rules work, finding out that Thermals are better than IR (and that the Brits don't have any) and remembering how ranging in with the same spotter happens!

The British ran an armoured spearhead straight up the guts toward the front objective lead by the Challenger Is:


The defending US shelled a bunch of the British AA out of the game (except the Rapiers....) and ambushing Cobras went after the British Abbots. The Abbots survived and a second Rapier volley deleted the Cobras. This is where we learned read Hunter Killer in more detail. Lesson learned. 

As we rolled rapidly into the final phase of the game, the horde of British armour arrived on the front objective and we finally managed to start really shooting at each other. A few Chieftains and Brads went down to incoming fire before the shove:

The ROMOR covered Challenger Is bowled into the Mech Platoon and pushed it and it's associated Bradleys off the objective which was taken by a Warrior platoon.

 Over the final couple of turns, a whole hail of ATGM fire rained down on the Chieftains and ended a solid most of them and then  the M1A1s coming in from reserve finally reached the battleline - one platoon outflanked the ROMOR Challenger Is and managed to destroy a single tank - reminding me why I hate Team Yankee as Tank and I rolled a ridiculous number of very untimely ones. Cross checks, firepower checks, everything. 

In the end, the other platoon of M1A1s rolled into the flank of the defending British infantry and in a succession of consistent 4+ rolls, Tank came alarmingly close to wiping out the whole platoon of British infantry - he got them down to a couple of teams before the M1A1s retreated from combat. We were dangerously close to pulling off a Hail Mary on this one. We were definitely a turn late on the counterattack mostly off the back off late reserves.

 It was a good game and lot of remembering how TY works and how it's different from Flames. Both the lists are solid and once we get a bit slicker with the armies, we'll be fine for doubles. It also got me to get a bunch of TY work done. I've finished up my last Bradleys: 

And got the two Mech platoons painted / repainted to go in them!


It's definitely better than it was. I still need to work out a way to get the chocolate chip details onto them but I'm happy enough that these can go on the table like this. I've still got another 8 bases to repaint to get a full Marine platoon back on the park but that won't take long.

Early War!

With the announcement that Early War will be coming out for Flames of War later this year, I'm going to be repainting all my classic EW German Panzer Is and Panzer IIs and I'm going to add some half tracks to my very old (but some of the best BF scuplts) German Pioneer infantry so on a whim, I built the first one: 

It's rather cool and I'm looking forward to getting them out and running at some point! Thanks to Che over at Potbelly for the excellent prints of the pioneer bridges! 


Finally, in a surprise discovery, I had a Weetbix Warhammer game of ADLG with McBeth so we could both try out some "bad idea or worse idea" armies - him with Medieval Scots and me with Hussite. We both deployed badly, made some shocking tactical choices and then threw appalling combat dice when it mattered. 

 I think the end of the game conclusion is the Medieval Scots have legs but that Hussite might just be too niche if you want to actually have a fun game. If you want to make Fort Hussite then it's probably fine but it's not the right army to try and play aggressively. 

Next Time

It's time for my annual games of Magic the Gathering....

Saturday, 15 February 2025

Weekly workbench

I've made the decision (for better or worse) to merge my winter and summer painted German collections. I've been finding that I keep wanting to use models for one that I already have in the other and that was a pretty good sign that this was a bad way to go forward.

So with that in mind, I'll be going through and cleaning off the white weathering and adding on summer foliage instead like I have with these Panthers and Wirbelwinds: 

Exciting? Not really. The whitewash came off really easily and a quick drybrush of some Middlestone to bulk up the slightly washed out yellow was pretty quick and easy. It also means I'll be putting ambush camo on my Jagdpanthers (which I'm excited about) and some late war

 I'll be trying this out as a Brigade Panzer Company from the Bulge book as a test for an event in April. The list is: 

  • HQ Panther
  • 3 Brigade Panthers 
  • 3 Brigade Pathers
  • 3 Brigade Panzer IV/70s
  • 4 Brigade Wirbelwinds
  • 4 Volkshetzers
  • Brigade Assault Platoon 
  • SdKfz 250 Recce

Good? Almost certainly not. But there's a lot of it and most of it is sending 75mm KwK 42 (L/70) rounds downrange so I'm going to go with a 'shoot first, win quick' plan. 


Of course. I've spent some time putting together my one permitted unit of Sisters of Battle: 

That's a selection of the squad (ie. the ones who can stand up unassisted!) but it's a really nice kit. I think I'm glad I've only got one but there's a lot of character in the models, despite the mono-pose nature of GW multipart kits these days.

They're going to be painted as Order of the Sacred Rose with white armour and black and red highlights. It'll be a nice contrast to my Deathwatch! The Immolators that are coming down the pipe will be even more amazing in white!

This has also opened up the last bits for both getting what I think is a pretty solid Knights + Imperial Agents list on the park but getting them done will also give me the last bits that are required for running the  assassin-driven Veiled Blade Elimination Force which we will be calling X-Force from here on out. I've got enough things to run it and I'm definitely keen to give it a whirl. I suspect it's terrible but that's never stopped me before!

Next Time

A once over on how my new plan for ValleyCon goes. I'm sure it'll be fine. <narrator's voice> It was, in fact, not going to be fine. </narrator's voice> 

I've got some Bradleys still staring at me demanding some sort of attention to get them finished to give me the nudge to get on and start re-chocolate chipping all my TY infantry...

Saturday, 8 February 2025

Nerding out about boxes

 First off, I got the Deathwatch out yesterday for their first game and before I did, I managed to get this collection of lunatics painted:

They rewarded my hard work by refusing to make a charge, with a reroll, for three turns. It was infuriating. And the whole time, Blogger Pel's firebase was giving the rest of my force no end of grief because these idiots, and their angry priest, couldn't roll a decent charge. With a reroll.

Blogger Pel's murder marines, in particular his insane Death Company of flying murder, gave my Deathwatch something to think about. That many chainswords will cut up Terminators just so well. I have a lot to learn about how to really make this army work but it was a great lesson.

Also, I had a test game for our upcoming club competition in April and got my butt thoroughly handed to me by Blogger Tank. I knew Clausewitz lists can be brittle but ho boy. Being very reluctant got me very dead - a bunch of bailed out results and the army just stopped dead. And then ran away.

Finally, nerding out about boxes. I moved to a much smaller house a couple of years back and copious storage was not part of that puzzle so I've been looking for cunning plans to make storage of my models a somewhat simpler proposition. Some of it has been aggressive downsizing of the model collection (which is definitely a work in progress!)  but the rest has been working with clubmate Ryan and his laser cutter and we've reached peak storage genius:

 This fits in an off the shelf plastic box and holds my entire Flames of War collection. It's half and half Germans and Italians with a random little diversion into MW Pacific War Australians. It's awesome and I'm super happy to have all my toys so well stored! 

Next Time
Getting this storage sorted out has made me get a few things out of the box that still need to be done so I'm going to get off my butt and finish them. Especially with some cunning plans coming down the line for new toys....

Saturday, 1 February 2025

More Space Marines!

 Miracle of miracles! A thing arrived from overseas at a convenient time! Blogger Pooch and I got a swag of bits from a bits place in Europe and it arrived just in time for me to want to paint the things! 

So this has given me the opportunity to paint three more Primaris Marines - two Pyreblasters and one Hellblaster: 

The Hellblaster was one of those sets of arms that I kind of just love and provides a little bit of cinema in the squad. The Pyreblasters are pretty basic but that's kind of the only way they go together. But that means I can take these two pictures: 

First, my 'ranged' Fortis Kill Team - with Hellblasters and Desolators to provide overwatch and a Watch Master to keep them from getting trapped in combat and make sure I'm getting special issue ammo every single turn. Plus he's a boss model! 

The second is the 'close quarters' Fortis Kill Team - with Assault Intercessors and Pyreblasters to get in close and deliver Watch Captain Artemis to kick bad guys (are we the bad guys?) into next week. 

I've managed to assemble most of a list with my existing collection and a little bit of paint stripping and repainting and I'll have something that can get on the table which I'm really looking forward to. I'm not sure it's super good but it'll run and we'll see how it goes. If I've learned anything from all my games with my Knights of late, it's that I need to try a few things to see what's missing.

Next Time

Probably a bit more workbench stuff - I still have some Bradleys to finish - and some piccies from club day!