Saturday, 1 February 2025

More Space Marines!

 Miracle of miracles! A thing arrived from overseas at a convenient time! Blogger Pooch and I got a swag of bits from a bits place in Europe and it arrived just in time for me to want to paint the things! 

So this has given me the opportunity to paint three more Primaris Marines - two Pyreblasters and one Hellblaster: 

The Hellblaster was one of those sets of arms that I kind of just love and provides a little bit of cinema in the squad. The Pyreblasters are pretty basic but that's kind of the only way they go together. But that means I can take these two pictures: 

First, my 'ranged' Fortis Kill Team - with Hellblasters and Desolators to provide overwatch and a Watch Master to keep them from getting trapped in combat and make sure I'm getting special issue ammo every single turn. Plus he's a boss model! 

The second is the 'close quarters' Fortis Kill Team - with Assault Intercessors and Pyreblasters to get in close and deliver Watch Captain Artemis to kick bad guys (are we the bad guys?) into next week. 

I've managed to assemble most of a list with my existing collection and a little bit of paint stripping and repainting and I'll have something that can get on the table which I'm really looking forward to. I'm not sure it's super good but it'll run and we'll see how it goes. If I've learned anything from all my games with my Knights of late, it's that I need to try a few things to see what's missing.

Next Time

Probably a bit more workbench stuff - I still have some Bradleys to finish - and some piccies from club day! 

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