Ho boy. Why do I do these things to myself? Two solid days effort on the turrets of my Immolators and here we are with two mostly complete turrets for my Immolators. Thank goodness for contrast paint is all I can say. The contrast has done a nice job of just putting in some shadows in good spots and letting me just tidy up the flat surfaces with some Vallejo Cold White (easily the best white. Easily.)
This was one of those kits when you start painting and wish you hadn't put the whole thing together but I say that having had a heck of a time getting the drivey-handles sitting in the right spots so even if I hadn't assembled them, they'd have superglue-based misery all over them instead.
Overall, happy with how they've come out. Be interesting to see what they look like when I finally put the stained glass on. GW recommends a coat of varnish to help the paint stick so that'll be step one and then getting stuck into the stained-glass bits. I know what I want to do, so hopefully it'll come out gleaming! I'll be getting to work on the hulls next but not super sure where to start with those. Tracks and work up?
I've also finished a second Navigator for my Imperial Agents. I think they're a nice addition as a unit leader for Breachers as they can keep Deep Striking stuff away from my very squishy humans but also can shoot a pretty solid mind-bullet as well.
Nice to paint a second one this many forevers after the last one and have them come out looking pretty much the same. Once I've done the Sisters as well, I'm going to break out the Veiled Blade detachment and do some seriously silly Assassin shenanigans,
I also managed to polish off the repaint of the rest of my Team Yankee infantry which, as it turns out leaves me with two full Mech Platoons, two full Para Platoons or one full Marine platoon which is a pretty good outcome I reckon. Got a couple of new toys arriving this week to finish off a platoon of M551 Sheridans for a game next weekend too.
Next Time
I'll be getting the Star Wars Legion out for a game with Blogger Pel to try out the second edition. I've got reasons to be optimistic the changes are good. Will let you know how it goes!
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