Saturday 18 November 2023

Finally wading into 10e 40K

 Yep. I've got a decent collection of the various types of Imperium models in my collection and I enjoyed playing 40K in 8e. I didn't really get into 9e as it really just felt like a rehash of the same rules bloat as 8e so it's been sitting, taking up space, for a couple of years. Blogger Pel played a couple of Combat Patrol games recently and that sounded like it might be right up my street so figured I'd look at my collections and work out what I could reasonably do....

 Good news, I have most of the bits of three combat patrols. Bad news, I don't have all the bits for any of them. The easiest route was Grey Knights - Blogger Scotty hooked me up with a couple of spare Terminators and access to his bits box and boom, army done. So here we go:

First off, Librarian Aurellios: 

This is, amazingly, a GW Finecast and it's surprisingly good. I painted it up donkeys ago - I had this idea of fielding a Supreme Command detachment in 8e of Grey Knights in a Guard army just for the lolz.

 The main beef of the army is a Brotherhood Terminator Squad:

One of the things that appeals about Combat Patrols is that the weapon loadout of the troops simply doesn't matter which means my love of Warding Staves as a sweet looking bit of kit is simply fine. This squad can, if you want, be swapped for a Nemesis Dreadnight which is both super cool and a really derpy model. I've been looking at some conversion ideas to make it look less like a baby carrier online...

Finally, half a Strike Squad makes up the rest of the army:


The heavy weapon is wrong but I'm not changing that. It seems like a bunch of work for no real benefit. This is another one of those mometns where the weapon loadout not mattering makes me happy. 

I'm hopeful that this is fun and somewhat balanced. It would justify picking up two models to finish the Imperial Guard one and three models to finish the Deathwatch one. I'd be well pleased if it could be managed and might be a light enough introduction to 10e for me to get into it.

Next Time

A report on how it went hopefully and some thoughts on 10e. Plus I'm trying to focus on getting my 15mm Renaissance Spanish moving again which is proving harder than I thought.  

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