Saturday 19 February 2022

Some white, some yellow, some red

 So this week we present some completed projects and one not-quite-completed project in advance of next week, when I intend to do a bit of a play-by-play game report of my three games of Star Wars Legion skirmish!  

 Platoon a Month

 So I got the vehicles done, and I figured that's worth throwing out a week early. 



The two versions of the captured T34 are here, both a 76mm and 85mm. I'll probably not use the 76mm all that often but there wasn't a good reason not to do it. Also, thanks to Blogger Tank who had an old DAK transfer sheet with the massive Balkenkreuz that are there for the side of Rommel's Dorcherster. They were perfect for this. 

And then the CO of my nascent Puma company. How is it the CO you ask? Well, I have resorted to that oldest of FoW stand-bys and put an aerial on it. Makes sense right? So that's five Pumas done. I reckon I need another 8 for the company to really be on, plus 4 with PaK 40s (or 8??) and then I'll be able to get this on the park. Maybe for a Flames event later in the year?

Warmaster Iconoclast

 Almost there!!

Still 'armless...

Honestly, the trim on this model is killing me. It's insane. I'll take a closeup of the Krius Grav Imploder that's been making me miserable when it's done. But I'm almost there. Basically, I need to finish the two main weapons and paint the rest of the shoulder armaments (since the Turbolasers were easy, so I smashed them out for today) and then put on some transfers. I'm really happy with how it's come out and having used only a smattering of purple on the centrepiece model for my Legio, I love that it's mostly red.  I'm also really stoked with the swing in the groin plate that really helps give a sense of movement to the model.

Next Time

All Star Wars, all the time. Also, I will have finished the Iconoclast. I know it. 

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