Saturday 16 December 2023

Ghosts and goblins

Okay, no goblins. That way madness lies!


So I'm still working on ghosties and the Scriptor Mortis is *almost* done. I've got a few more highlights to do on the skin and bones and work out some way to get some scribbles into the book that I definitely should have painted BEFORE gluing it together....

I mentioned a couple of weeks back I was waiting on some more 3D printed basing material and lo! it has been applied to both the Scriptor and these Butchers:

 These Butchers are the first base of these Ghosties I've actually finished completely. They've been painted, based, flocked, had the flames done and I've put water effects into the puddles too. They're still drying though. Yep. That old chestnut.

Next Steps - 10e 40K

So I can get a bit - just so - about things and when I discovered that the Imperial Guard Combat Patrol had some of the new Ordnance I had to find a way to do it without buying the new models since the crew would look completely different from my existing Cadians. 3D printing to the rescue: 


Thanks to my local guru Che over at Potbelly Miniatures, the two new guns have been printed and I'm reusing some old crew from weapons teams that are no longer part of Cadian platoons. I've raided the bits box and remade a bunch of the arms. Are they perfect? Not at all. But at least they match all my existing Cadians. This will also mean I can get the Imperial Guard Combat Patrol out over the Christmas break!

Next Time

I'll paint the guns! I'm also working on an Apothecary Biologis from the new Leviathan kit to fill out one of the two missing models for my Deathwatch Combat Patrol too. 

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