Saturday 23 December 2023

And the guns went quiet...

 ...on Christmas Eve. 

Between the socialising, the shopping and the genuine come-down after a fairly insane 2023, I haven't painted a lot (but I have made lots of progress on my Karlach-led BG3 playthrough instead) but I have finished the things I was working on last week. 

The Scriptor Mortis is done: 

A few extra highlights, fanging rust all over the metal bits, tidying up the candles and putting some squiggles into the book like he's writing and boom! I've also got most of the base coats on 20 Chainrasps to finish up the actual army (although I am still having thoughts about buying a Nagash to use as the actual giant in the list....)

I painted my Cadian Ordnance battery! It wasn't especially difficult given they're mostly flat green with some tiger stripes on the gun shields but fixing up the crew and redoing the shoulders and generally just getting the whole thing assembled was a bit of a pain, especially after they nearly sailed off my balcony while I was priming them.

This finishes up my Imperial Guard Combat Patrol so hoping to get them out for a run over the holiday break. A solid dig around my bits box also suggests I might still have enough bits to make the crew for the third heavy lascannon if I wanted to.

Finally, I got the Apothecary Biologis built for my Deathwatch:

This is the first time in a long time I've had to break down a Primaris shoulder to replace the blank pauldrons with the embossed Deathwatch and chapter (this one is an Ultrasmurf) shoulderpads and boy I'd forgotten what a PITA that job is. At least when the last Aggressor turns up, I know those things have separate shoulders so that's one less drama llama.

Blogger Pooch has sent a half-squad of Infernus marines from the new Leviathan starter my way which are more of the same and ooooof. They're going to be a pain. But this is where I live. I made this rod for my own back and I'm going to stick with it. It does mean that I will have all the bits for a Space Marine Combat Patrol too.


Happy Holidays all. I hope you all have a safe and enjoyable Christmas and New Year and a glorious 2024.

Next Time

The finished Ghosts and, if this appalling weather keeps up, I'll attack finishing the basing on the whole box along with getting some more Deathwatch done and maybe, just maybe, some other bits and bobs from the painting pile.

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