Saturday 2 March 2024

Playing catchup and preparing for new things!

There's been a lot of 40K excitement going around my gaming group at the mo and I've definitely enjoyed playing some 10e so have decided it's time I got in for a real game. For some reason, though, I decided that I should do it with something stupid:


I've repainted my original Freeblade Errant to match his colour palette with my Armigers so I have a coherent House Cadmus lance. I removed all the transfers, cleaned up the panels and replaced all the transfers. It was a fairly easy job to do but I'm pleased with how it came out. Here's the whole lance together as a 1000 point list (with Callidus Assistant Assassin):

I'd like to get this up to a full 2000 by adding a couple more big-boi knights, specifically the Cerastus knights but sweet Christmas, they are $400 a pop down here and that's all sorts of stupid.  I do have a list that is a Knight Lance getting some assistance from our favourite lazy Inquisitor too and so that might be the logical endpoint.

And since not buying a Cerastus Lancer made me sad, I did something fun. I started on my Mycenaeans:

First off the Light Foot Javelin. These are the key skirmishers for me as the army doesn't have any light cavalry (obviously!) so the full six allowed bases seemed like a good idea. I've put aside four of these to be chariot crew for my Light Chariot Javelin (and to make them distinct from my Light Chariot Impact.)

The second set are some Light Foot Bow and Light Foot Sling. The Light Foot Bow are mostly intended to be Support for Nestor's Pylian Spearmen in the Trojan War list but I have options in the core list for them too. The slingers were just a nice novelty.

I began with the skirmishers since they seemed like a good test of the paint scheme. Plenty of skin, boar tusk helmets on the javelinmen and linen outfits for all. They do feel a touch monochrome but I also expected that going in and it's come out pretty much as anticipated. In some respects, it's not much different to doing a Dark Ages army - I'm just working in a different palette of brown!

This is my first experience with Citadel Contrast Paint and I'm mostly pretty happy. The finish is a bit inconsistent depending on how vigorously I shook the pot, and it very occasionally produces some white spots of primer, but overall, I'm happy with the look and the speed to finished that I get with it. Also it was a chance to test out the basing - given the monochromishness of the whole thing, a bit of green seemed like a good idea.

It's not a bad effort after I took a week off last week and spent it playing boardgames with my excellent nerd friends. This is as close to tabletop as I got: 

I enjoy an occasional game of Magic cards - at least this year I got to summon the Reaver Titan, even if I didn't get to crew it or attack with it...maybe next year.

Next Time

I'm running out my Wallachians for a game or two at our next club day and we've got our club annual competition coming up in April and I'm quite keen to give my list for that a run just to make sure I'm not completely crazy.

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