Wednesday 2 August 2023

Pooch's July update

Seven months down, and the painting momentum continues as I work away at a bunch of different things for myself, as well as knocking through commissions I am painting for other people. 

Generally speaking, I am feeling pretty good that I will be able to maintain my momentum for another 5 months!

1. Paint a platoon for Flames of War

Ok, so my visions of painting more Late War US infantry ran into a snag, in that I decided to paint some Early War German tanks instead! 

I painted up two Zvezda Panzer IIs (these match the other ones for my DAK army), and a Panzer Befelswagen. Because nothing says Early War like a Panzer I with a giant aerial on top!

They are less yellow in person, DAK Tanks continue to be a paint to photograph....

And again!

I'm a little disappointed with how the top coat of tan/yellow came out, it's more yellow than the other tanks I have already completed. Not sure whether that was just "this batch" of paint, the weather, me rushing.... who knows. I'm still generally happy with them, so I'm calling them done!

2. Add something to armies I have already painted

First up in this category is something for my Star Wars Legion Seperatist Army, Asajj Ventress!

Great pose, great figure!

She is really leaning into chopping someone/some thing!

Speaking of very dynamic poses, second up is another Marvel Crisis Protocol figure, Elektra!

Why yes that whole model is only connected by her hand to a rock

Looks cool as hell too!

3. Finish up a piece of terrain

This month's terrain is this beautiful Sisters of Battle statue printed by Potbelly Miniatures. I actually ended up with two of them, as the first print failed, but that gave me a great opportunity to play a bit more with the different paints and textures. I used the Games Workshop Nilhank Oxide to provide the verdigris, which I probably went too far with on the broken statue, but got a better balance with the larger one. 

4. Play a game a month, that was different to the last month

This month I headed up for a Flames of War tournament in Palmerston North (you saw the armies from McE already).

Just the one photo of Scotty's awesome Hungarians, deployed for battle

The tournament was great fun, and hooning around with Hungarian tanks was a really enjoyable. Does it make me want a Hungarian army? Kiiiiiiiiiiiiidnof.....

I also got Ventress out for a game of Star Wars Legion, which was a blast too- reminding me that I really need to play more of that game! 

Dooku also killed that young upstart Luke Skywalker. Which was very pleasing

5. Paint a Hundred Years War French Army for ADLG

The ADLG train rolls on, with a month very similar to the previous one!

I also put all of my ADLG army onto bases, which meant that I realised I was short a couple of Peasants to fill out my four bases. So first up was a couple of new Peasant figures, or more, one Peasant, and Rudyard the Bard, one of my DnD characters!

And you thought I was done painting peasants!

Paint one Knight for ADLG

I also finished up a new Knight!

Paint one base for ADLG

But wait, there is more Crossbowmen!

Paint up an army of 15mm Celts

I not only finished up a bunch more Celts, I also glued them onto bases and based them! 



Just the start of my horde of Medium Swordsmen!

More of the same next month, with more chariots and more infantry (I hope!)


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